Samantha ( S01E01 ) [23F][Wholesome/Intense Foreplay/Gangbang]

Hi,so this is my first time posting a story in here.Please bare with me if there are any typos or errors.Also one more thing,the fun part begins after a while so if you want to read the whole building up process you are welcome or else you can skip it,I’ll be indicating the checkpoints below ..So pull out your dick and here we go!!!

“So what are your hobbies?” Adrian asked me,smiling.I said“Well..I like to paint ,it’s something that I grew up with .Whenever I get bored I grab my brushes and sit in front of the canvas and just paint,sceneries,caricatures and stuffs like that.Also cooking and baking”,I added .He gave me an innocent smile.I’ve been a very nature loving and a self-contained person who loves antiques,classics and old stuff,so yeah basically a very boring person.I asked the same question to him .”I am gamer” he replied with a wink.I smiled and said “Oh,that’s great”.