26 [FMM] – Drowning in gold

Today was a bit different than the usual dates. I only had one client that booked me all day. In a way I like it when this happens because it means I don’t have to get ready multiple times a day or have to drive to different places. I decided to just wear a sun dress since the weather app on my phone was warning me about the horrible heat that was awaiting me.

The guy I met up with seemed pretty nice at first. When we chatted the night before he wanted to do so much. Most of the time the guys that talk the most end up being the most boring. I quickly got ready and I drove to his place. It was in the outskirts of Palmdale. A small town named Lake Los Angeles. It was a strange name for a place which had no lake and reminded me of Fallout New Vegas. The house I pulled up to wasn’t the nicest and had an old fridge in the front yard which made me uneasy. As I locked my car my client came out.He wasn’t bad looking and he seemed to be drenched in sweat. I introduced myself and he walked me inside. He told me his name was Tyler.

26 [FMM] One golden shower please ?

I woke up to the sound of my tv still on. Leaving the TV on definitely helps me sleep especially when it’s playing food network. Recently I’ve kind of destroyed my kitchen trying to turm myself into a chef. I looked at my phone and realized it was already 9 am and my first clients appointment was at 12 I still needed to get ready and drive all the way to chattsworth.

Pretty much every morning is the same routine. Trying to rush out the door I got into my car and drove off. I met this guy on tinder. I’ve been trying to expand where I meet guys and he was one of the first matches. He seemed like a decent guy until he sent me a dick pic. It usually makes it easy at that point. I just let them know they can take me out on a date and the appointment is set. This guy was more than happy to realize I was a sex worker. He told me about his two friends and all of his fantasies. Pretty much all the guys I go out with tell me each one of their fantasies. In a way it’s cute but it does get old.

26 [FM] Playing with electricity

I spent most of my morning at Starbucks. Sometimes I just sit there alone, listening to music and and just day dreaming. I sometimes think of what I could’ve been if the first part of my life hadn’t been fucked up by my father. I’m a regular at this Starbucks and it’s one of my favorite spots to be picked up by my clients. I only had one client today so I was just enjoying my Saturday. He finally arrived and I walked out to his car. I got used to not really caring what the guys looked like anymore. This guy wasn’t the worst looking guy but nothing great to look at. His car was on par with his looks. As I walked to his car I noticed the front bumper was tied up with a zip tie.

26 [FM] A day through my life

I’d say half of my clients last less than ten minutes. Usually most of them ask for missionary and occasionally will try to eat me out. My first client fit into that statistic. Quickly cumming inside me while biting into my neck. Once he came he begins the awkward cleaning up routine.

I walk into the bathroom and begin my cleanup process. I usually get into the shower and lightly wash myself. I try to get most of the cum washed from my vagina since not all clients find it sexy and welcoming.

Sometimes clients will request for me to not clean up but it does mean having to walk around drenched in old cum. After washing up and being paid I headed to my second client. Honestly this guy is one of my favorite clients and a regular. He is a carpenter and electrician so he always builds these awesome sex toys and contraptions.

I arrived to his house and we walk to his backyard shop. He usually has whatever new device he wants to try out just waiting and there it was. It looked like a medieval rack. I remember seeing them in my high school text books. It had two metal arms on the sides and straps. He grabbed me by my hand and led me closer until he just pulled my dress over my head.

25 [F] Crappy Valentines client

I woke up this morning in a bad mood. I realized that I’m single. After being married for so long you kind of get used to the routine. I grabbed my phone and it’s the usual hundreds of messages from random guys.

I like the attention

I shower and get dressed. I realize how much I’m starting to waddle from spot to spot. The pregnancy definitely is taking over my body. I drive to my first client which luckily was only around 20 minutes away from my house. He had a pretty messed up yard but a nice car out front. At this point I’m used to showing up at random peoples houses. With time you have no shame in what you are. He answered the door and I walked in.

He was good looking and in his 40’s. I could see his eyes just undressing me. He offered me a drink and I declined. He led me to his room and he sat on the bed. I began to undress. I know the routine. He kept telling me how sexy I was and I just finished undressing putting my clothes in a beat pile next to some empty coke cans and an old box of pizza. He pushed me onto the bed and quickly went down on me.