Yes, Mistress – Part I

The Scene <

Looking around you, you see a dark room lit only by candlelight. A hundred candles are lit and their flames are flickering; bouncing light off of the walls and the objects in the room. The candles create a dance of sorts and feel nearly hypnotic.

The room smells sweet. Almost like honeysuckle but it's a smell you can't quite place. You feel warm and your skin begins to perk up – a light sheen of perspiration beads on your skin.

You can hear music playing and it sounds melodic and tantalizing. You feel curious. You feel anticipatory. You feel turned on and yet you aren't sure why yet.

Stepping Into the Room <

As you make your way to the center of the room, you notice that in the middle of it all (you can't really see what's on the edge of the room yet) is a bed, covered in leather and suspended from the ceiling by chain. You place your hand on the chain and it's freezing, despite the temperature in the room. The bed sways gently from your touch.

Categorized as Erotica