We planned today about two years ago when we first met. Lovers and friends with the best of benefits. Arrangements were made at work – “meetings” and “doctors appointments”. All to play hooky and live out this fantasy we chatted about so long ago. But my monthly friend had arrived only a day before and I tried everything to speed it up. The old wives tales of cider vineger and many worse things. But it was not relenting so I texted you that I needed to cancel…
Without a skipped beat, you texted that you still wanted to spend the day with me and we could take a drive, chat, make out, and go to some little sleepy town for a nice lunch. You said that it was actually a slight relief because you were anxious about today – wanting to make every detail perfect. Now we could just go and enjoy the company.
Sleep was difficult last night but the smile that refuses to be contained is not. Im up early, almost with a nervous energy radiating, knowing that I’ll be spending the day with you. I head out for a run and the silly grin I am sporting must be contagious as everyone I pass, smiles right on back. Or maybe I am just releasing the best pheromones and everyone is picking up on my heat. I know you will be.