[MF] A Real Encounter With a Sexual Equal – Part 2

With all the excitement from our lust filled start earlier that evening, I was battling with myself over stroking my throbbing dick prior to our meet up, or just save it all for her and just have fun in the mess we would soon make. Anyone who knows me on an intimate level, knows that I love to attempt to torture myself and deny orgasm, no matter how horny I get, and that evening was no different.

The time finally came to make my way to the lake. We both decided prior meeting that we would leave boxers and panties behind. It just added to our anticipation and created another challenge before we gave in to our desires. As I pulled into the parking lot that overlooked the moonlit sparkling water, I remember saying to myself that I would not get caught up in my feelings. We were having quite the fling, and I didn’t want it to end, so I decided to tuck my feelings deep down and just give her what we knew we both wanted at that time.

Act Of Lust – A Real Encounter With a Sexual Equal – Part 1

I will never forget Toni! I often think back to our time together, and I often regret us losing touch. I met her when I lived with my roommates. They were the crazy partying type, but I was only that way on occasion. Our neighbor would often come over to hang which wasn’t really an issue. He was dating a girl that to me was just way out of his league.

He would be short with her on occasion and sometimes they would fight in front of us which made things awkward, but we didn’t really care because they would usually just apologize and head back to his place to continue the arguing. I remember thinking in my head how did this guy snag her. When she was over, we would occasionally lock eyes, and I could tell there was some attraction between us, but she was taken, and even more so by the neighbor next door.