[MF] Uni-days: Losing my card to a Lesbian

2nd Story coming right up of my adventures at Uni. Had a bit of a shit time writing up a literature review tonight so gonna blow off some steam writing this. Bit of back story to this of my gormless self so if you want the sex just head to the ********.

Growing up I was a massive nerd! Low self esteem, few friends, bullied, a stutter and zero sexual experience (Hope you get the idea…). My first University I went to for a year was a shitshow, made few friends and didn’t get any experience at all except from a job towards the end promoting clubs where I gained the confidence to talk to people. I managed to get into a better uni the next year, with an idea of how I wanted life to go.

First year was a dead-end except for a first kiss and I went into Second year with determination. I was slowly gaining popularity after being a rep in the first few weeks of the year and with my rep team egging me on and slowly changing me into the confident young man I am today.

[MF] Uni-days: Fucking a banshee

So I guess a global pandemic is enough to make me write my first story. Been following this subreddit for a few years (even before the infamous roommate saga). For all reasons privacy the names of people and places have been changed to protect identities and to cover my arse. Sexy stuff is after the ——- and sorry if it’s a bit long. So without further ado here goes nothing:

My name’s Danny (Purely because I’m watching Ocean’s Eleven whilst writing this, solid film.), in my early 20s, from Northern England and studied one of the sciences at one of the most social and booziest Unis in the country where I have my fair share of embarrassing and wild stories. I’m about 5ft 10-11, white with short dark brown hair and have a reasonable build (Getting fit during the lockdown though).

The lady of this story is Triss, a short brunette with B/C cup tits, a cracking arse and an obsession for flowery dresses and cracking lingerie. We first properly met when a mutual friend hooked me up with a ticket for the Wednesday social, a legendary weekly fancy dress bar crawl with cheesy music ranging from the best of West life and S-Club 7 to ABBA and Queen. The exploits students would get up to on this bar crawl were borderline unreal and I love regularly hearing them.