2nd Story coming right up of my adventures at Uni. Had a bit of a shit time writing up a literature review tonight so gonna blow off some steam writing this. Bit of back story to this of my gormless self so if you want the sex just head to the ********.
Growing up I was a massive nerd! Low self esteem, few friends, bullied, a stutter and zero sexual experience (Hope you get the idea…). My first University I went to for a year was a shitshow, made few friends and didn’t get any experience at all except from a job towards the end promoting clubs where I gained the confidence to talk to people. I managed to get into a better uni the next year, with an idea of how I wanted life to go.
First year was a dead-end except for a first kiss and I went into Second year with determination. I was slowly gaining popularity after being a rep in the first few weeks of the year and with my rep team egging me on and slowly changing me into the confident young man I am today.