[MF] My first time with a Married MILF

This is my first post ever, so forgive me if it’s not written well. It’s a pretty long story so I’d skip to the **** to read the fun

So this crazy experience happened during 2020 right before COVID hit. At the time I was 19 so drinking was pretty much at home or at parties, until my cousin (we’ll call him Ryan) became relatively close friends with a bartender. Because of that friendship the bartender always turned a blind eye for a buddy of mine (Don) and I, we still weren’t allowed to drink but we could stay till bar close (never stopped us from drinking in the car…)

One night I was heavy stuck on staying home and gaming, just not feeling the vibe of going out, Ryan did not accept that whatsoever. After about 30 minutes of me trying to convince him why I should stay I found myself showering and getting ready to go the bar. At this point we had a little bit of a routine.