My Fireman (pt.1) (Poetic Summation) [MF] [Blowjob]

Origonal post: [](


A cry so shrill awoke me from my rest

From out the window up the aged tree

My feline friend in anguish I could see

The fire department I must call I guessed

A shining knight to accomplish this quest

Chiseled, muscular, eyes a deep blue sea

Task complete, I asked him in for tea

My motives impure, I planned to undress

He kissed me with passion, soaking my cunt

He grabbed one tit and sucked the other dry

Slipping his cock down my throat made him grunt

so long, thick, and hard, tears dropped from my eyes

A torrent of hot cum covered my front

My hero, Steve Buschemi, what a guy

My Fireman (pt.1) [MF] [Blowjob] [Big Dick]

The year was 1982. I was young, only 19, and I was back at home for the summer. One morning I awoke to the sound of my parent’s cat crying outside my window. My parents were out of town for their anniversary and I’d forgotten to let the wretched thing in the night before. I staggered downstairs still half asleep into our corridor of a kitchen and pulled opened the back door. But as I stood there in little black panties with my oversized grey t-shirt hanging over my perky C cup breasts, my nipples hardening in the brisk morning air, I couldn’t see the damned cat. I huffed and blew back the strands of chestnut hair that had fallen over my sea blue eyes and into the corner of my mouth as I thought I’d been dragged from the warmth for nothing. I heard another cry, louder this time. I looked up and there she was, stuck high on a branch of the ageing oak tree in our garden. I knew I couldn’t get to her, I’m far too weak to shimmy up a tree like that, so the only thing I could think of was to call the fire department like in the films. I bounced back inside and picked the phone from the wall, dialling 999 with my nimble fingers.