Was it just my imagination? [MF]

I’m not going to tell you exactly who she was. Not here, maybe in private I’ll confess that part.

But we were amateur business partners in a way. Ok, we owned two houses jointly. She did all the work and I could get the finance approved. The benefits of being older I guess. She was younger and full of energy. I had got into business with her reluctantly but she just knew how to persuade me, knew what buttons to push. I just couldn’t say no to her. I sometimes wondered if my wife was ever suspicious?

‘What are you doing later?’ the text read. That thrill of a message from her. The open question, leaving room for the imagination to stir.

‘We need to sign the deeds can you come over?’ The imagination stirring even more. An innocent reason to be invited over to hers one morning.

‘I’m tired after my shift, I’ll leave them on the kitchen table. I’m going to bed. I’ll leave my back door open’.

It was that last one that got me. Was she teasing me? Was it my imagination? She definitely knew what that phrase actually meant. She was funny and filthy. Was she toying with me? Was I imagining it.

Redheads do it better [MF]

My eyes nearly popped out when Emma walked down the stairs. Her jet black hair curled beautifully showing off her slender pale neck. The hair matching the sexy little black dress that was showing off her ample cleavage. She had a glint in her eye as she kissed me passionately as the taxi arrived to take us to her works party. Sat in the back of the taxi holding hands with her I squirmed as I noticed the flash of black lace stocking tops. The rush of excitement as I realised she wasn’t wearing tights as usual. Grinning that our ‘chat’ about trying to bring our sex life back to life was working. Glad we had booked a room in the venue the event was taking place at.

Fast forward 45 minutes and I’m embarrassed to confess my weakness for pert young flesh took over. I know I’m weak, I’m not proud of it.

I just couldn’t resist Jess. No man could.

Jess had come seductively over to us. All long red hair, her towering heels putting her a good two inches above Emma. Her plunging neckline showcasing massive pert tits that suddenly made my wife’s look old and saggy. The dark red split thigh dress making my wife’s outfit look dated. I tried to hide my instant lust for her stunning ginger assistant.

I still squirm when I hear the words pencil skirt [MMF]

She truly was the bossy bitch from hell in her grey pinstriped pencil skirt and those black shiny heels that you heard clicking in the corridor.

‘Imagine that tight skirt lifted up, turning her skinny ass red and all’ had said Tom smirking that fateful day. He was such a perv. Always trying to distract me from my spreadsheets. It was amazing I ever met a deadline when he was on with me.

‘Oh I’d give her a good taste of her own medicine’ I replied giggling nervously. ‘Go over the knee just perfectly.’ The truth, of course was I wouldn’t. I couldn’t. I didn’t have it in me. I was just another boy caught up in office chatter, wanting to impress Tom. To make him think I was one of the lads too.

It was that fatal sentence though. When I said out-loud ‘the stuck up bitch, how has she been promoted over me she’s only 27?’

Maybe I would have got away with that if I hadn’t added.

‘Bet she’s got filthy slutty knickers the stuck up cow’ I said squirming a little as I imagined what our new boss was wearing under that tight fitting pencil skirt.

It’s the quiet ones you have to watch [MF]

A few years back……It was a Saturday afternoon when I met my girlfriend Jess in the village pub. She had dragged her uni mate Katie along, slim girl, quite pretty, the shy girl next door type. Tiny little boobs that you could see she wasn’t wearing a bra with in the revealing strappy dress. There was something naughty about her, I could tell. Maybe it was the way she waited a few seconds before fixing the straps when they fell off her shoulders. I kept thinking the top of the dress was going to fall down but sadly it never did.

After a few pitchers of cheap vodka cocktails Jess was all over me, I could tell she was horny. To be honest it seemed Jess was enjoying being touchy with me in front of her friend. Her tiny black dress was up nearly around her waist at times showing off her blue grey lace knickers. I naughtily had felt her full tits when I didn’t think anyone was looking but got caught by Katie grabbing a feel. I’m not sure who was ogling Jess’s magnificent rack more, me or Katie! To be fair the entire pub got an eyeful when Jess was about.

We tossed a coin to decide who did what to her [MMf]

A few years back my old uni mate was working up north, staying in a hotel not to far from me and wanted some company. He was always the persuasive type so how could I say no? My wife wasn’t too happy. She knew what he was like. She knew he was a bad influence. I did wonder over the years if there was more to her dislike of him than met the eye. You know when you sometimes look at people and wonder if they’ve got history?

So there we are. Hotel bar, the flash type. He never did anything on the cheap. Catching up. Eyeing up the female guests, reminiscing about uni days.

We saw her at the same time. She was gorgeous. Mid 20s. Nice curves, long ginger hair in a ponytail. Little business suit, what looked like tights underneath. Modest heels. She looked very pretty but out of place, like she wasn’t used to staying away in hotels with work. The type who’s been sent on a course away from home and doesn’t quite know what to do at night alone in a different city.

I saw my future daughter in law virtually naked [MF]

‘Any chance of a lift?’ she texted

I had just got in from the gym when it popped up on my phone. A message asking for a lift. From Katie. I rolled my eyes, I had just got in from swimming and wanted to put my feet up for an afternoon alone.

‘What’s up?’ I asked?

‘Car trouble’ she replied. ‘And I need to pop into town for some things’.

‘Go on’ I replied reluctantly. My future daughter in law was the best thing to happen to my son so I couldn’t say no could I?

Those two little words that were the cause of so much trouble. You see, ‘some things’ included a trip to an independent lingerie store. For her to get the bridal outfit.

Let’s just say I was embarrassed going inside. Sitting in the reception area as the owner did her measuring and suggesting behind some curtains that certainly didn’t hide everything.

Nothing happened. But I know she saw me looking in the reflection of the mirror. Am I a bad future father in law?

Any girls had similar experiences? Any guys?