What the hell just happened [MM]

Sorry if this ends up being long.

So I’m a consistent gym goer. Five days a week with very few breaks. I met a guy at my gym and we’ve been lifting together for several months. He’s a tall black guy, 30 years old and absolutely ripped. It’s been great lifting because his routines have helped me gain some size in the short period we’ve lifted together. I’m still no where near him though.

After lifting yesterday he asked if I wanted to go bar hopping. I had today so I thought it would be a fun time. The women love the guy so at the very least that would be cool.

I decided to drive since I don’t drink very much as it is. I pulled up to his place a couple minutes early. He answered his door and led me in and I grabbed a seat on the couch. He said he was going to jump in the shower. A couple minutes later he comes out in a towel with a shirt he wanted to throw in the dryer. After he throws it in he comes and sits down next to me on couch and offers me a beer.