[M]y first time with a size queen – Part 2

For part 1 of this story, please use this [link](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/pajlwh/my_first_time_with_a_size_queen/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf).

This is going to be a long one I’m afraid. So as I mentioned at the end of the last story, Faye and I drifted apart during uni, both falling in and out of relationships. We saw each other a few times a year and generally kept in touch as we started our careers. This moved Faye to London, while I moved to Manchester. However, as we all know COVID hit and this changed everything. As we were all sent home from the office, almost all of my friendship group decided to get out of the cities and move back home to the countryside. Obviously we were all locked down so couldn’t see one another. We had a couple of zoom calls and Faye and I always had a good laugh and a bit of banter. Anyway, her birthday came round earlier this year and I sent her that standard message wishing her a happy birthday and asking how she was.

[M]y first time with a size queen

So this all started about 8 years ago when I was just leaving school. My group of friends and I are all avid sports/adventure nuts and so after our A level exams were finished we decided we would all go away together on a trip to Norway canoeing in the fjords and wild camping. Now I’m aware that none of you are here for the travel advice but I’ve got to say, Norway’s fjords are so spectacular I could not recommend them enough!
Anyway, for context, our group consisted of 3 girls (Faye, Meg and Christina) and 3 guys (John (me), Mark and Luke), all of whom were over 18 at this point. We are all extremely fit and sporty with Mark and Luke towering over me at 6’3” a piece compared to my 5’10”. Similar dynamic with the girls with Meg and Christina having classic volleyball player builds, tall, well toned and just all round hot, but Faye was much shorter at about 5’2” and is the main subject of this story. Faye is blonde, blue eyed and looks a lot like Lexi Belle, save that she had slightly bigger boobs, perhaps C cups. She was 100% my type and we had a bit of history having both had very similar senses of humour with dry quick wit and mischievous streaks. Classically, as with many school relationships, we decided not to take it anywhere as we didn’t want to cause any awkward group dynamics, however, there was always a lot of sexual tension between us.