Me and my piano teacher part 1 (milf)

I was 16 years old and in high school. I never really wanted to take music lessons but it was a forgone conclusion in my family. Both my parents were very musical. My mother was a backup cellist in the cities symphony and my father had taken music lessons his entire childhood. My parents had tried to get me enthused about some instrument – any instrument, but to no avail.

I had played the violin for a few years (an extremely painful experience for all concerned), the tuba for 2 (see above re pain) and the guitar (somewhat better, but Eric Clapton I was not). As a last resort my parents suggested I try the piano. I resisted, but they were adamant so I reluctantly agreed. They looked around for a teacher in our area and found a few. They called around and the first two only taught on weekends. Mom and Dad wanted it done during the week. The next one they called was Miss Miller. She taught during the week and they said she sounded friendly.

My mum’s friend part 1 (milf, cheat)

“Come on Maddi, time for bed!” I call out from the kitchen.

I was spending another night babysitting the children of one of my mum’s close friends, who lived just up the road from my house. She was married but her husband went away for weeks at a time for work. So it wasn’t uncommon for me come over and mow the lawns or help her children with their homework. Being an only child, I had always wanted siblings, and was always more than happy to drop by and spend time with them.

Maddi was a little ray of sunshine, always being able to bring a smile to your face with her innocent humor. Yet she had a maturity that well surpassed her 10 years of age. Her brother Arno was a mischievous little 4-year-old. Who looked up to me like a big brother, always running to the door shrieking to give me a hug whenever I came by.

Maddi came bouncing down the stairs. “James will you read me a story before I go to bed?”

“Did you turn the light off upstairs?” I replied.

Rolling her eyes she quickly pranced back up the stairs and returned after a few seconds.

my lady PE teacher took my virginity part 1 of 3 (milf virginity)

When I was in high school in the mid 1970’s the administration made the progressive move of making, on a trial basis, two of the ninth grade PE classes coeducational. One was to be taught by one of the boy’s PE coaches, and the other by one of the girl’s PE coaches.

The boy’s coaches were very selective in their choices for this project: they only picked the best behaved boys, not necessarily the best athletes. I was one of those boys chosen.

It was Mrs. Goodwin who was my first lady PE Teacher, and this is the story of Mrs. Goodwin and me.

I got along well with Mrs. Goodwin from the start. I was well behaved with good manners. Mrs. Goodwin selected me to lead the group exercises that we did at the beginning of each class because I could bellow like a Drill Instructor. Also, I was entrusted with the running of little errands for Mrs. Goodwin, and that helped be get out of some of the more onerous games, like paddle tennis. Where Mrs. Goodwin and I really hit it off was with our enjoyment of running track. She had been on the track team when she was at university, and was glad to pass on some tips and pointers to me.

I took the virginity of a Christian (teens, virginity)

Kelly is a very religious girl, being raised in a strong Christian home filled with rules and restrictions that most kids our age are pretty used to ( 17-18 year olds). I knew from the beginning that I loved her, from the moment I became best friends with her in my junior year of high school. She’s got the cutest face, and the sexiest body that I could not stop staring at when I first saw her. Big c-cup tits that always showed cleavage no matter how much she tried to hide them. Even on cold days while wearing a sweater they were still visible- and being a virgin at the time, all it takes is a little imaging to stir up some sexy visions of how amazing they looked under that sweater. She also has the best hips I’ve ever seen, with an amazingly big and firm ass thats to die for, especially when she wore tight skinny jeans that would bring out its round and sexy shape.

Kelly was aware of her amazing body, and always told me she hated it because her mom would verbally abuse her and insult her for not ever looking decent- which she can’t really be blamed for with that smoking hot body- it can’t be hidden.

The lesbian and the glory hole part 1 (public) (cheat)

It was late one night when Lana was driving home from work. She was cruising down the motorway, having drank 3 cups of coffee just to stay awake, when suddenly her bladder felt like it was going to burst. She had to stop off at the next service station she saw. She was driving for another 10 minutes before she came across a service station, and by then she was absolutely bursting.

She pulled into the car park and parked up as close to the building as possible. She grabbed her phone and handbag off the passenger seat, got out, locked the car, and briskly walked into the building.

“Excuse me, do you know where the bathroom is?” she asked a man in a suit, wearing a name tag, assuming that he was the manager.

“Yeah sure, they’re just out that door,” he pointed at the door she came in through, “and if you follow the building round to your right, they’re just round the back there,” he said with a smile.

“Brilliant,” She beamed back at him, “thank you very much.”

“No problem at all.” He replied.

The virgin librarian [MF]

We were sitting at the long table, waiting the speaker to offer grace. A young woman, looking to be about 25 to 30 years old, came to our table and asked if all the seats were taken. We told her no, sit down. She smiled shyly and sat down with her tray of food. She was about 5’7″ tall, and weighed about 120 pounds, if I was estimating correctly. She was wearing drab clothing and had not applied any make-up. She wore thick glasses and continually flipped her mud-brown bangs from her plain and ordinary face. Appearance wise, on a scale of one to ten, I rated her a 3. After eating, she got up to get a drink, and I asked one of the other people at the table if she was a nun. He told me that she was a librarian–damn, she fit the stereotype to a T.

She returned to the table with a glass of tea and again smiled shyly. Since she was sitting directly across from me, I asked her where she was from. She mentioned a town in Texas, and I asked her how she had ended up way out here on the east coast. Her job, she told me. We exchanged names, hers was Anne.

The aging man and the young, pregnant wife. [cheat]

My neighborhood is composed mostly that of people who work, so I don’t know many of the people. One day while I was doing my daily walk I saw a new family moving in a few blocks from my house. I stopped to chat and welcome them to the area.

The husband was a tall lanky fellow, about 6’2” tall with brown hair and brown eyes and weighing probably 170 pounds soaking wet. He was an average looking fellow, with thick eyeglasses. He introduced himself as Dwayne. With him was a young girl of about three years of age named Frida. A cute little thing, also brown hair and eyes. As we were talking, a very pregnant young woman came out with a telephone, telling him it was for him. He introduced her as his wife Amanda. She was very quiet, did say the baby was due in two weeks and this was not the ideal time to move. Amanda was about 5’4” tall, and probably minus the baby would weigh 125 pounds. She was cute in folksy sort of way, and had a nice smile and good teeth. We talked a few minutes and I told them where I lived and that if they needed anything to give me a call. I was always available.

The “gay” man [cheat]

The elderly couple next door moved into a retirement facility and put their home up for sale. Being retired, but yet relatively young, I decided to purchase it and use it as a rental property.
In July this past year a couple in their late 20s rented the house. The man, Jasper, worked at a nearby college as a political science professor. Alicia, the wife, stayed home while looking for a job.
Jasper was about 6′ tall and weighed about 160 pounds. He was what I would consider average looking. Alicia was about 5’2″ and weighed about 110 pounds. She had bright red hair, and her skin was covered with freckles, which made her very self-conscious. Her butt was nice and firm, and with her button nose she was not bad-looking.
As a bachelor, I have learned to cook, so on the day they moved in I took them a dish of lasagna, salad, and bread. I could see that Jasper looked at me curiously when I told them I had prepared the food.
Over the next several weeks, I would go over and visit, and they would reciprocate. I noticed that Jasper made it a point several times to let me know he was liberal and had some good friends who were gay. It was apparent that he thought I was gay, and since I wanted to get into his wife’s panties, I thought it wise to go along so that he would trust me with her.
After a week or so, I began to tell Alicia she was a beautiful woman. She would blush, and say “Bill, you are the first man who has ever said that to me. I appreciate it, but I know I am not very pretty.” We would lightly banter about it, but I could tell she liked the compliments.
I also noted that when Jasper got home from work, he would flick on the television to watch sports, leaving Alicia to wander around the house aimlessly.
In the third week I called on Alicia during the day and we began to talk. She told me they were trying to have a child now that Jasper had a tenure-track job. She made me promise not to tell Jasper, but she was disappointed that he would rather watch sports and politics on television that talk with her.
“The man is a fool–if I had a beautiful woman like you in my house, we would be talking and making contact 24/7″ I said. Alicia blushed and giggled, and said “I’ll be you would be something else. Do you know, though, that Jasper thinks you are queer’? “No,” I lied, “but what about you” I asked.
She said, “I’m not sure, but you are a sexy man.” With that I reached out and grabbed her and kissed her-forcing my tongue between her lips. She pulled away and said we can’t do this. I grabbed her again, and this time she responded to my kissing. I pressed my hard cock against her cunt, and she pushed back–but then once again broke away, saying “we can’t do this, I am married. But now I know you are not queer.”
For the next couple of months I would pat Alicia’s ass or grab a kiss every time we got together. She would always blush deeply and move away. I got so I would even rub her ass while Jasper was in the next room watching television. “Alicia, he would rather watch tv than have sex with you–not me–I want to have sex with you.” “We can’t” she said.
In October Jasper was away at a meeting when a tornado came through town and left us without power. But I had a whole-house generator, so I had power. I went over and asked Alicia to come over, but she said it would not look right.
A couple of hours later, Jasper called. He told me Alicia had mentioned the generator, and he thought it would be great if she could stay at my house until power was restored, that is, if I did not mind. “Well, my partner may be coming as well if he can get a ride, but I have plenty of bedrooms, so Alicia is welcome.” The lie about my partner really worked great to make Jasper feel safe about his wife with me. I told Jasper to call Alicia and tell her to come on over.
I showered and put on a house robe. I took a Viagara. I knew I was going to try to fuck Alicia tonight, so I was going to be ready.
It was nine o’clock before she got things packed and came over. “The first thing I want to do is take a hot shower” she said. I smiled a wicked smile and she said “by myself if you don’t mind.”
“I do mind, but I am a gentleman, and will abide by your wishes. While you are cleaning up I will make us something to eat.”
“Great, I am famished” she said.
Shortly she came to kitchen, and she too was wearing a robe. “Anything I can do to help” she asked?
“Take your robe off is all” I said.
“In your dreams,” she giggled.
I opened a bottle of wine and we sat down. “I’m not much of a wine drinker, but I would like a little,” she said.
We enjoyed our dinner, joking and laughing. “God, Bill, you are so much fun. Why haven’t you been snatched by some woman?”
“Because I’m queer,” I said, and she burst out laughing so hard that the robe parted a little and I could see that she was not wearing a bra.
After dinner we moved to the living room to watch a move. I sat on the sofa, but Alicia sat at the far end. “Alicia, it is kind of cool in her, and since I am queer, you are safe sitting closer to me.” She laughed and moved beside me, almost spilling her wine. Again I could see those beautiful, freckled tits.
After a couple of glasses of wine we were both losing any inhibitions we might have had. I put my hand inside Alicia’s robe, and touched one of her firm tits. She put her hand on mine, then moved it. I took this as a positive, so I bent over and began to kiss her tits, one, then the other. By now Alicia was breathing heavy, and I began to move down her stomach.
“Bill, what are you doing–stop it–you will get me in trouble” she said.
Her protests did not sound authentic, so I continued on down and I neared her cunt, she spread her legs wider. With this I picked her up and carried her to my bedroom.
“Bill, only oral, o.k., just oral?”
“Only what you want,” I told her and we both removed our robes. I took my thumbs and pulled her panties down, and she kicked them off.
We french kissed, then I once again took her tits in my mouth. After a few minutes I put my hand on cunt–it was soaking wet. I turned so that we were in a 69 position and began to lick Alicia’s pussy lips. Her lips went around my cock, and we were off to the races. I turned on my back, and Alicia crawled up on top of me and put her pussy right on my lips.
The sounds of her lips sucking my cock and my tongue and lips massaging her clit and pussy lips beat any symphony. Alicia was moaning “ohhhhh, fuck, ohhh, I’m cumming” and I had given her her first orgasm. Now it was my turn, and soon I could feel the seed moving through my cock, then shot into her mouth. Alicia swallowed it all, and licked my cock clean.
Then she told me to get back up and kiss her. We mixed our juices with our tongue and lips, and had a great french kissing session. I could feel myself getting hard again, and my cock was against Alicia’s cunt.
“Bill, it feels good, but I can’t let you fuck me tonight. This is my fertile period, and I am sure you would knock me up.”
“Baby, I’ll do whatever you want,” and began to kiss her again. I was convinced I was going to get her to fuck me, and it would be all her idea.
I rolled onto my back, and pulled her on top of me. My cock was rubbing her pussy lips.
“Oh, this is so good. Why can’t Jasper treat me like this?” she said. “Because he’s not queer like I am” I said.
Alicia began to laugh so hard and move that now my cock was at the door and was sliding in.
“We have to stop,” she said as I pushed it all the way in.
Now Alicia went wild, and began to moan and groan, and started pounding my cock. “Slap, slap, slap,” went our bodies as they met.
“Bill, just don’t cum in me’ she moaned.
“I’ll tell you when I’m going to cum” I told her.
She mumbled something I could not understand and she rammed her tongue into my throat. The bed was bouncing and headboard was banging off the wall as Alicia rammed my cock in her as far as it would go.
‘Alicia, I’m cumming” I whispered.
“O.k. just a minute,” but she continued to pound her body onto my rigid cock.
“I’m cuming, Alicia, I’m cuming” but she ignored me as she too had orgasm. My sperm eagerly sought to find her waiting egg.
Both of us were spent, then Alicia spoke.
“Bill, I am certain you have knocked me up. But it has to remain a secret. Jasper cannot ever know. Besides, you and he have the same color eyes, and if your hair was not gray, it would be the same color as his probably. Something else, I want you to continue to fuck me every chance we get. I will fuck Jasper the night he gets home so that he will think the baby is his, plus he thinks you are homosexual. Seems to me we have a perfect situtation. Jasper has a good job and can take care of babies and me for the rest of my life, and I can fuck you the rest of yours.”
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