Looking for a story where two couples go camping and the gf of couple 1 decided to go have fun with the other couple. But while the three were having fun the condom broke and then the second part the two couples swap partners and the gf of couple 1 and the husband of couple 2 have fun the gf. And the wife of couple 2 and the gf of couple 1 end up finding out that when on the camping trip gf of couple 1 was safe. So the gf of couple 1 and the husband of couple 2 end having unsafe sex and the two end being impregnated which they had already done so that why they were having fun unprotected. Then at the end of the story’s or at the last part of where I left off the op was typing while husband of couple 2 and gf of couple 1 are having fun. It’s like a cuckold, swinger, couple swap story