I had always been a very innocent girl before I left for college. I didn’t experiment at all in high school, only having just lost my virginity the summer before (a rather anticlimactic event), so when I left for school out of state, I was dedicated to filling my life with new experiences.
It was a few months into my freshman year. I was living in a shared suite with three other girls.
Two of them had a habit of smoking weed every so often (mean, hey, it’s college – isn’t that what you’re supposed to do?). I partook once or twice, but I was never too into it because my tolerance was super low.
Whenever they would run out, however, I was always the one who volunteered to “pick up.” My roommates were all slightly afraid of the guy who we bought from; he had this tall and imposing figure and whenever you wanted to buy from him, he’d pick you up in his truck and drive a bit before the deal. They were worried that he was secretly a murderer and would drive girls off into the wilderness to murder.