Sessions for the Fragile and Damaged

It started with brief touches. First, a tap to the shoulder, then a hand to my entire shoulder, sometimes a touch to the head as he paced behind me. He would praise my bravery, my openness, and the honesty I exhibited during our sessions. He genuinely admired how eagerly I listened to, and implemented his advice. He would tell me what we were going to try next, with my medicine, or new therapeutic techniques he wanted me to try. My response was always the same, ” I trust you. Whatever you think is best, I will do.” He seemed to like that. He started moving around the room more during our sessions. Standing behind me, immovabley pressing his hand to my shoulder as I relayed the details of my life. Periodically he would inconspicuously stroke or rub my shoulder with an oustreched finger. At one session he repeatedly praised the progress I had been making with him. He was very proud. He proceeded to tell me how invested he had become in my life.

“Like a father figure, ” he said.