Sunday afternoon hotel fun 41[m] 39[f]

It had been a few days since we last met up , so we decided to grab brunch and head out to a winery. It was a great fall day and she looked fantastic in her leggings and boots. We had a few drinks and flirted on the patio for a couple hours. We had discussed prior to going, about wondering off in the vineyard and exploring each other, but the winery was rather busy on this beautiful day. Maybe next time. We were seated near a 40 birthday party, and every man at the party eyes were wandering over to our table. We finished our second bottle, and she asked me what we should do next. “ I’d like to get you naked” I replied. She agreed, and I booked a hotel room a few miles away. I easily was doing 100 MPH on our way to the hotel as her hand was sliding up my thigh. We checked in and immediately began to make out. I laid her down and began to kiss her passionately, her neck, her ears, her perfect tits, her stomach, and her wonderful inner thighs. I began to go down on her and she warned me things possibly could get messy. I don’t mind that, but I didn’t want to ruin the afternoon, so I climbed on top of her a opened her wide. We ran through a multitude of positions, missionary, spooning, cross legged, doggy, me standing off the bed while she laid back. She whispered at one point ” this would be a good angle to video . Another maybe next time…. After round two, I eyed the window in the room and mentioned I’d love to bend her over in front of it. She said she was game, so we headed over and opened the blinds. I noticed that the restaurant adjacent to the hotel was busy and saw some of the staff milling around underneath our window. I she took me in and I grabbed her hips and fucked her as best I could, her perfect tits bouncing in the window for anyone to see if they looked up. It was all very thrilling, and finally I couldn’t resist and finished deep inside her. I collapsed on the bed, with a big giant grin on my face!

Going at it in a crowded parking lot 41[M], 39 [F]

Back Story

I had joined the dating site out of desperation. I’d tried everything I could to create more spark at home, trips, dinners without kids, wine, gifts, toys, anything to spice it up. We talked, but nothing changed. So I decided to try something different and joined the site. I had some messages, but one woman certainly caught my eye. She was around my age, beautiful long legged blonde with great eyes and tits to match. Also seemed to have her life straight, which on these dating sites, seems to be a rarity. We messaged back in forth and traded pictures via text, but never really went anywhere. Guess my pictures weren’t very good( she later told me that was the case). We went a few weeks without communicating, and I had kind of given up. I reached out one more time and to my luck she agreed to meet up. We hit it off( she said I needed to take better pictures) and have hooked up a few times in the past month, which leads us to last night….