[M]y [F]riend introduces me to porn

After high school, I had a friend named Madeline. We weren’t especially close, but we had several mutual friends and occasionally hung out. There was never any sexual energy between us.

Madeline was a very attractive skater girl, about 5″4″ with shoulder length brown hair, piercing green eyes, and a fairly athletic build. I was a lanky metal kid, 5″11″ with chest length black hair. At the time we were both 18.

I was living in my parent’s basement at the time, saving up money to move out. One Friday night, I was hanging out at home, fucking around online when I got a text from Maddie wondering what I was up to. We texted back and forth for a while, remarking on how bored we both were on a weekend night. I let her know that I had several Crown Royal airplane bottles that I had stolen from someplace if she wanted to come over and kick it.

“Hell yeah!” She responded. “Let’s do it.”

I hopped into my shitty car and drove a couple of blocks over to her place and let her know I was there. I sat waiting, listening to Dethklok, until I saw her coming up her driveway. She was dressed super casual, wearing a plain T-shirt with men’s gym shorts and flip-flops.