Libertine Adventures [MF] [First Time]

{This is the first chapter in a series, assuming it is received well. Do enjoy}

Arkansas, Donna

It was Labor Day weekend of 1980, and I was back at Dad’s hometown in Arkansas.  It was a sweltering weekend, highs in the 90’s medium to high humidity, just hot enough to make your shirt darken and stick to your skin.

To be clear, there isn’t shit to do in Newport Arkansas.  Maybe go fishing, maybe mudding if your truck survived the previous weekend.  One of my uncle’s, Uncle Ash, promised that there indeed were things to do, but Friday afternoon held not much to hold one’s interest for long.

I had been at Grandma and Grandpa’s house  repairing and painting the porch for them while they were at work and Dad was off seeing some friends. After finishing, I showered and headed off to my favorite cousin’s house.  She was two weeks older than me and we went through most of the milestones of little kids together. You know, like first steps, first word and such. Because of all that she was my closest friend; and, truth be told the first girl I fell in love with.