The best friend task [d/s]

She was looking forward to spending the weekend with her best friend. It had been a long time since they stayed up all night and whispered confidences in each others ears; it had probably been years. Marriages and child birth had brought some distance between the childhood friends, but “nothing that a good bottle of single malt wouldn’t fix”, she thought to herself as she fiddled with the furniture trying to get things in order for her friends visit. With well practiced precision, the memory of his order woke up at her actions, and a loud groan escaped her lips.

She had been allotted exactly 30 mins everyday for straightening the house, no less and no more for the period of her bff’s visit . It was two days, but those 48 hours would be very difficult for her. Oh, the pleasure her conundrum brought him! He had known the boundless joy and anticipation she had felt for her friend’s visit. This timely “gift” was meant to set her mind and body free from unnecessary stress. It was obviously also meant to torture her, because after all, he was a sadist and her dominant. Who else would help his sub with her “cleaning ocd” if he did not? He was taking charge and in ways that she could not even fathom yet. He smirked as he planned out her task for this evening.

Forced insemination [ CNC, breeding, d/s, exhibitionist, medical]

It was how all her tasks were tailored. They gave her what she wanted and they bent her will, reminding her every single day who really owned her soul and her body. Six months ago, she had been ordered to remove her IUD. She had hated having that thing inside her. At 30, her deepest desire was to have a baby. It was what every instinct inside her screamed. She was reminded of the time when she had been ordered to have the IUD inserted. She had obeyed, spreading her legs for the gynaecologist and grudgingly accepting the tearing pain as her cervix was dilated and the device was inserted inside her body, robbing her of choice over her own womb. She had cried tears of mortification and pain. It had been the most painful experience of her life. This had been five years ago; she was 25 then.

Once again, on another ordinary day, she had unceremoniously been asked to get the IUD removed. She had been unwilling to go through the pain (again), but she had obeyed. It took longer than it should have. The device was lodged in too deep. She smiled in her pain as she remembered the hard sex she so enjoyed. As the doctor pulled inside her, causing her to wince, she tried to calm her mind reminding herself of the pleasure she was now paying for. Unwittingly, it had made her wet.