Getting over a dry spell [MF][long]

Right off the bat apologies for the length of the story. It’s been on my mind a lot lately and I want to get it all down so I can relive the night in more detail.

This story takes place years ago, a few months after I had just broken up with a long term girlfriend. Things had been pretty serious so I needed some time off from the dating scene, but also really needed to get laid. Online dating seemed like the perfect vehicle to meet my needs.

A bit about me, I’m a 5’11” white guy with an athletic build. Dark blonde hair, blue eyes, and average length with above average girth if it matters.

Within a few days of setting up my dating profile a girl, who we will call Nikki, sent me a first message, which I’ve learned is pretty rare. We made some quick chit chat, exchanged numbers, and set up a time to meet at a nearby pub.

I got there a bit early and grabbed a table then texted my date where to find me. Feeling a bit of nerves I ordered a drink while I waited and before I knew it Nicole was tapping me on the shoulder and introducing herself.