Secret Santa’s Naughty List

Full novel coming 12/14. Pre-Order today!

Here is an excerpt from my upcoming Christmas Special, Secret Santa’s Naughty List. You can pre-order the full novel for $3.99 here if you are interested: [](

Everything about the situation was making me uneasy, but the rope took things to another level. How had I let him convince me to come back out in my towel? Nick was smoking hot, but he would have been just as hot if I were in sweatpants and a t-shirt and not having to watch my every breath and movement to make sure I didn’t give him more of a show than he was sent here to give me.

“I’m going to tie you up now?” Nick said with a smile, it was halfway between a question and a statement, letting me know what he was here to do, but also indicating that I didn’t need to worry that he would try to force me into anything. “Your friends must have been worried that you’d give me trouble to sign you up for that!”

Secret Santa’s Naughty List

Here is an excerpt from my upcoming Christmas Special, Secret Santa’s Naughty List. You can pre-order the full novel for $3.99 here if you are interested: [](

**Becky Roberts**

I don’t know why they make us come in on the day after Thanksgiving, but I don’t think I’ll ever complain about it again after what happened today! I was sitting at my desk, minding my own business when I heard someone mention Santa from the front desk. I wasn’t sure I’d heard correctly from my office, but it was followed by a deep voice bellowing, “Ho, ho, ho!” What in the hell was going on?

Curiosity got the better of me and I poked my head out of my office door to see for myself. I wasn’t the only one – there were a half dozen other leaders at their doors looking on and laughing. At the front of the office was Santa. Not the Santa you see on television, mind you, but a HOT Santa. He was clearly very fit, had short sleeves on his jacket to highlight his muscular arms, and was lacking the typical facial hair. The guy looked to be in his late twenties or early thirties and even from my office down the hall, I could see the light shining off his baby-blue eyes. This Santa could come down my chimney anytime!

Halloween Horror/Thriller Erotica – Steamy, Twisted, Keeps You Guessing! [m/f][f/f]

**Chapter 1**

Anna watched as her family turned their backs to her, the last of the village to do so, and walked away. The pain in her father’s eyes was something she could never forget. It was as if he was about to lose something, but it wasn’t really his loss – it was hers. She watched as they walked away, waiting to see if anyone would turn back to look at her. Not a soul made that mistake, and it was better that way. She could feel the tears coming. That was the mistake of looking back: seeing the full emotion of the girl as she let the walls come down and faced her fate.

The red glow of the torchlight dimmed as it entered the fog that she hadn’t noticed in the distance. The whole line of bodies just faded into nothing, taking their firelight with them. The pale light of the moon shone down; the only light now. It was bright enough to make her long, white dress glow in the night. The white was tradition, but it was callously ironic to offer the young girls in the color of innocence. Lifting a hand to wipe the tears that ran down her cheeks broke the silence as the chains which bound her atop the hay bales rattled. She’d promised herself that she wouldn’t provide the satisfaction of crying when the time came.

Categorized as Erotica

Great Halloween Horror/Erotica – Full Novel! FREE on Kindle Unlimited

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!!!Sacrifice Under the Virgin Moon!!!
**********NOW AVAILABLE**********

“A Halloween Must-Read!” “Intense!” “Austin’s best work yet!”

Hide your virgin daughters! The moon is full and the beast hungers again this night!

The dark and terrifying reality that she may be offered as a sacrifice to appease the beast looms over Anna. The unseen creature haunts her dreams as she approaches the seasonal selection again. A girl must be offered every solstice moon.

Life’s cruel irony rears its ugly head at the selection banquet, giving sweet Anna a taste of everything she’s always wanted before threatening to take it all away. This certainly won’t be a typical sacrifice. Everyone is about to learn a very important lesson!


Categorized as Erotica

NEW RELEASE! Call of the Vikings Vol #4 is Now Available

**NEW RELEASE!** I am very pleased to announce that Vikings Vol #4 is out now! Received great feedback from ARC readers and reviews will be posted soon. This is an ongoing story – so make sure you are caught up!





Categorized as Erotica

Vikings is NOW AVAILABLE. Vol 2 Teaser here!

You can read the first volume of ‘Call of the Vikings’ FREE on Kindle Unlimited or get it on the Amazon and Kindle stores today. Here is a teaser for Volume 2 which will release mid week…

Vol 1: [](

**Vol 2 Teaser**

Sigurd spun her around quickly and bent her over at the waist, forcing her to extend her arms and lean on a nearby tree. Both Thorstein and the girl expected Sigurd to drive his cock into her from behind, but he was a man with a twisted mission: to bring this girl unbelievable levels of each and every sensation he could manage tonight. He reached out and tore a branch off the tree that supported her body. With no warning at all, he swung the broken branch out and lashed her ass with it. There was an immediate bright red mark across both her ass cheeks and she cried out in her pain with the shrillest of screams. Sigurd was not deterred.

Categorized as Erotica

Dynami Siblings Full Series!!! 6 volumes in 1 PACKED novel. FREE on KU and available on Amazon.

This erotic thriller has been called “incredibly imaginative”, and a “must read for erotica fans” by early readers. It is my longest series to date and the novel sits at over 130K words. This secret society begins in college and provides members with an incredible experience as recruits and partial members try to earn favor to join by meeting the many sexual needs of the organization. When the Kline siblings are inducted as full members thanks to their family history, they learn just how incredible this opportunity will be. What they don’t expect is their parent’s dark past to come back and haunt them! Murder, Suspense, Thrills, and LOTS of hot sex. What more do you want?


Categorized as Erotica

Siblings/Dynami Complete Series: Family First – NOW AVAILABLE

The complete 6 volume series for Dynami from the Siblings induction through to the thrilling, twisted end is now available in a jam packed beyond full-length novel on Kindle Unlimited and the Amazon store. Check it out today!

Categorized as Erotica

Several series to choose from and 1 NEW RELEASE! Immoral Desires just released today! All FREE on KU

My newest series debut, Immoral Desires just went live today on Amazon: [](

It is a slow burn with plenty of heat that will increase with each new volume. If you like that kind of story you can also check out the entire Becoming my Daddy series here: [](

I also have 5 volumes in the Siblings/Dynami series. Make sure to start with Book 1: [](