
First off, if you like detailed reads check my posts. Ill be sharing my experiences, all of my stories are true events from my past.

2008, i was 16 at the time and not long left school (uk). I had a close knit group of friends that got together each Friday/Saturday, it was common to throw a house party at whoever had the free home, we all brought alcohol and there was lots of it! Cheap vodka flowed like water at these parties. Our aim was to be shitfaced out of control hooligans and we always succeeded.
There was usually around 20-30 of us, equally split male to female ratio, basically just invited any girls you could. We didn’t want a sausage fest after all.
Arrived at my friends house about 8pm after his parents had left on there night out. There was already alot of intoxicated teens there downing shots like their last night on earth. I joined head first and began consuming my body weight in whatever was on offer.
With plenty of girls at the party everyones having fun. There was a girl there called Rachel. Now Rachel went to my school, i didn’t find her attractive at all, she was long and skinny. Very nerdy with darkish blonde hair always scrapped back in a bun. She crushed on me, hard! Borderline obsessive. She’d always follow me, try sitting with me and do weird shit like carve our names into the tables. For that reason i always avoided her. Im not sure if she was invited but she lived only a few doors down so most likely just came over.