Making up for lost time [MF]

This happened a couple years ago, but with Miss Rona at large, I’ve been reminiscing.

To give you some context, I was a late bloomer. I didn’t start having sex until 24 (like Tina Fey lol), but once I started, I figured I should make up for lost time. At the time of this story, I was 26. I’m pretty petite – 5’2, about 115 lbs, have curly black hair, and I tend to dress pretty conservatively.

Back to the story…

I swiped right on Bumble, and that’s where it begins. He was cute – 29, 6’1, in great shape, salt/pepper hair and beard (my weakness), and he could hold a conversation. We did the whole first date thing. We met at a bar, chatted, had too much to drink, kissed while swiveling around on those barstools, went to a show, made out like teenagers to too-loud electronic music, went back to his place so I could “get a glass of water” (lol), and ended up having sex 5 times that night / morning.