

I tried to open my eyes but all I could see was darkness. Was I blind? No, it felt like something was around my head….like some sort of blindfold. Instinctively, I tried to remove it but my hands were bound tight behind my back.

“What was going on? Hello? Is anyone there?”

I heard numerous footsteps all around me. I started to breathe heavily now.

“Hello? Who’s there?”

Someone had lifted me up on my feet.

“Who are you? Where am I?”

By the way their hands felt on my skin I realized I wasn’t wearing any clothes.

“Why am I naked? What is this?”

Then we stopped. I could hear soft chattering all around me as someone took off my blindfold.

“Oh my god!”

There was a mass of people…all naked…in a circle around me. I was in the center of at least 100 people surrounding me. Most were men were completely nude as well.

“Help! Help me! What is going on?”

I was so confused and began to cry.

The Cum Cult

I tried to open my eyes but all I could see was darkness. Was I blind? No, it felt like something was around my head….like some sort of blindfold. Instinctively, I tried to remove it but my hands were bound tight behind my back.

“What was going on? Hello? Is anyone there?”

I heard numerous footsteps all around me. I started to breathe heavily now.

“Hello? Who’s there?”

Someone had lifted me up on my feet.

“Who are you? Where am I?”

By the way their hands felt on my skin I realized I wasn’t wearing any clothes.

“Why am I naked? What is this?”

Then we stopped. I could hear soft chattering all around me as someone took off my blindfold.

“Oh my god!”

There was a mass of people…all naked…in a circle around me. I was in the center of at least 100 people surrounding me. Most were men were completely nude as well.

“Help! Help me! What is going on?”

I was so confused and began to cry.

House of the Holy Cum

Hannah heard a knock at her apartment door. She opens it.

“Oh, hey Laura.

Laura walks in her apartment, bewildered and excited.

“What’s going on?

Laura has a smile across her face and seems out of breath. Her skin was glowing and glistening.
“Hannah, what are your plans next Friday?”

Hannah replies, “Nothing, why?”

Laura said, “You have to come with me somewhere.”

Hannah questioned, “Ok, where?”

Laura finally calmed down. “Ok….please don’t think I’m weird but…I…joined a church…well, sort of.”

Hannah looked confused, “You joined a church? Doesn’t seem like something you would do.”

She responded, “Well, it’s not really a common church, but it feels religious. I swear I felt more spiritual than I’ve ever felt.

Hannah, I had such an amazing time there and….Oh God….you have to come with me next time.”

Hannah hesitated, “I mean I guess I could come with you…but I have to admit, I’m not really into that sort of thing.”

She answered quickly, “No, no…you don’t understand. There’s this guy there…he’s sort of a guru. He’s like…like….a God.”

Hannah laughed, “Oh great haha, you joined a cult. Yea, no thanks”