Poetry (romantic/desire)

Taking a break from my story to post some old poetry I wrote which has never seen anyone else but me before. I wanted to bottle the feeling I’ve had which I couldn’t reflect anywhere else. Enjoy.


When you embrace me in sleep,

My body betrays all its secrets.

You dowse the gold in my blood;

A tidal wave of heavy sparks.

I am immune

To your lidded eyes and liquid silence.

It is not your words that have me transfixed;

But the way you breathe in the earliest moments of sleep.

Your touch, however,

Burns white gold

I see your fingerprints from inside myself

A gentle branding; a silent, magnetic spiral.

There’s a fog in my lungs,

and a haste on my breath.

The aching capacity of things to be

Forgotten before it can come into existence

Like a shot of cosmic whiskey

A warm wet darkness at a low timbre

I see the storm behind your eyes

Like the litany of a forgotten language

Fucking Around and Finding Out (Dirty Coworkers Part III) (MF)(female perspective)(teasing)(romance)

[Part 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/p5wzvm/first_time_posting_for_all_the_dirty_coworkers/) [Part 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/p6ljk5/dirty_coworkers_part_ii_mf_female_perspective/)

It’s a good thing it’s Friday. We made off for the day from work with each our own half-baked excuses. I drive him back to his car, still parked at the theater from last night. He thanks me with a kiss.

“Do you want to come over?” He says, eyes looking almost a little sad. “I’ve got nothing to do this weekend… just…. you.”

The double entendre makes me smile. The invitation is tempting, but the drive is untenable for my aged sedan. He senses my silent hesitation, and offers a ride.

“Come on, I’ll take you. And bring you back after.” The proposition becomes more compelling with the constraint of being at his whim. *He’ll bring me back when he’s done.*

“Only if I get to sit on your face when we get there” I say, with a smirk.

“Deal” he says.

He picks me up from my home after I drop off the car, the class divide between us apparent in his vehicle. It takes nearly an hour to get to his home deeper inland, away from the cooler temps near the ocean where I live.

Dirty Coworkers Part II [MF] [female perspective]

I really appreciate all the support on my [first ever post.](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/p5wzvm/first_time_posting_for_all_the_dirty_coworkers/) This is the next section of that story, enjoy.


I wake before dawn, and notice he is still sleeping peacefully beside me. I decide to take a shower, and slink away quietly; the night air cold on my skin.

I shiver, and my nipples harden as I climb in the shower quietly and turn the water on. *Unh…. Last night was so fucking hot….* I step under the stream of water.

I can almost feel last night’s sins start to rinse away, as I hear the shower curtain open and two feet step into the tub behind me.

I sigh blissfully as his hand takes my waist. He envelops me as his other hand grabs my breast. I can feel his body against me, his nipple piercings still cold in the steamy shower. Our bodies are wet, sliding against each other with every movement.

I tilt my head back, my body tingling with his tender touch. *He’s clearly not finished with me yet.*

I feel his lips kiss my neck slowly, more gentle than before. He exhales, his breath sending shivers down my spine. The petting is stirring his cock to action.

First time posting, for all the dirty coworkers out there [MF]

I’ve already written two more parts, but it’s a lot, so I figured I’d take it slow. ;)


He’d been hired during the pandemic, so while working from home, I’d never seen much of him beyond the low-fidelity webcam window. On this particular evening, some coworkers arranged a fancy dress masked movie outing, where we all gathered with the plan for drinks after. I decided to be somewhat fearless with my appearance after a year at home, despite the polite company; opting for a spaghetti strap mid-thigh length dress and heels. Hell, it was a pretty hot evening anyway.

After the movie, I put my location in groupchat to gather the group. Within a few moments, I hear my name.


*Familiar, and yet foreign.. I looked around in search of the voice.*

A hand gently touches my shoulder, and I turn around to follow it.

He stands before me, all six feet and change. He’s wearing tight slacks and a dark grey button-up. A tattoo cheekily peeks out from the cuff of his rolled up sleeves.