My First Time, Abroad. [20F, 29M]

He was a mutual friend, but already an executive at the company. I was a new transfer from America and he was from Singapore. My mutual friend had told him to take care of me while I was stationed in China for the next half year. I took no interest at the time- determined to make my own friends.

During my second night in China, he texted me asking me out to go to the bars. I declined, saying my jetlag was killer and would love to hang out when I was well adjusted.

He asked me out for drinks later in the week and I happily accepted the invitation. I dragged my friend along with me and we began to drink round after round of beer and shots and soju. The whole night, I felt some sort of sexual tension between us and wondered what would happen throughout the night. Suddenly, he felt my face with his hand and said I was hot (temperature wise). I suddenly blushed, realizing that perhaps he felt the same tension towards me. I sensed myself starting to fade but my friend began to feel terribly unwell so I quickly sobered up and tried to take care of her.