Milfs in yoga pants 2

After an hour of running, my feet are starting to drag. My muscles ache. My lungs burn. My clothes are soaked through from the light rain and the sweat that stubbornly refuses to evaporate in the humid September air. Less than a mile to go until I reach the gym, where I’ll take a long shower to soothe my muscles and cleanse my skin.

To keep myself going, I imagine that I’m having sex with a beautiful woman and can’t let her down. The generic beautiful woman in my mind quickly morphs into two — Ellen and Vanessa, the yoga-pants-wearing MILFs who gave me the most amazing sexual experience of my life a few short weeks ago. I’ve hardly seen them since and our contact has been limited to brief nods and smiles as we drag our children in or out of preschool. Now, for the ten thousandth time since our liaison, I recall their naked bodies — Vanessa’s petite with small, pert breasts and a firm ass; Ellen’s lean and athletic with large, soft breasts and a gently rounded ass. Both of them slick with sweat and panting. Vanessa’s long, blond hair swaying against her arched back as she drives herself down onto my cock. Ellen’s toned thighs trembling around my head as her pussy floods my mouth with its juices.

Milfs in yoga pants

It’s the yoga pants that get me every time. Every weekday morning as I head to my car after dropping my daughter off at preschool, mentally prioritizing my to-do list for the next three blessedly child-free hours, my mind goes blank when I see the moms chatting in the parking lot. As a dad, I’m somewhat of an outsider. They’re more guarded with me, their smiles a little uncertain. Maybe they worry I’m checking them out…and they’d be right. Who can resist a woman in skin-tight lululemon heather grey, the curves of her hips, ass, and thighs delineated in exquisite detail? Pair those with a similarly curve-hugging tank top, maybe with just a hint of skin visible between the hem of her shirt and the waistline of her pants, and it’s all I can do not to drool.

That’s how the two moms standing by the SUV next to mine are dressed today. I search my memory for their names. The petite one with the blond ponytail is Vanessa and the one with the short brunette bob and the generous rack is Ellen.

“Good morning,” I say, smiling as I approach my car.

To all Milfs who have had one of these nights

You aren’t exactly sure how you ended up in this situation; this college boy pressing you against the car as you try to stand unsteadily in your five inch heels. You aren’t sure how you ended up with his hand up your skirt and his tongue in your mouth. You only know that your body is responding in a way that you had not expected when the evening began. You can feel the moisture between your legs and you are sure he can feel it through your thong as you fight the urge to slide it aside and give him access to the source of that wetness. You can feel his large erection pressing against your leg as he presses against your short leather skirt that covers very little of your thigh. You can feel your hard nipples pressing against your lace bra and the thin cover up that really doesn’t live up to its name. You can also feel where your body wants this to go.