I was about two months out from a five year breakup, and man it was a doozy. He’d been my first kiss, first boyfriend, first everything, but things had gotten not good, then really bad.
And on top of all that we were barely fucking toward the end.
Suffice to say once I extracted myself from the relationship, I was a combination of horny and terrified. Terrified because at 23 I’d never been with anyone other than my ex beyond a peck on the lips from some of my girlfriends. And horny, because i had an intuition that there was a lot of great sex out there that i hadn’t had.
I did the whole mourning period, self-care, whatever thing for two months and by then I was practically foaming at the mouth. I had quite a bit of luck on tinder, which meant getting lots of matches and then being too scared or bored to actually do anything with them.
I know it doesn’t sound like much of a dry spell but when you factor in a five year dead bed relationship, it felt like my virginity was regrowing.