Strike [BDSM] [Teasing] [Dom/Sub] [Oral] [Ass] [Punishment]

Three rules to satisfy your sins

Number 1: No talking back.

Number 2: Using your safe word

Number 3: Never cum first until asked to.

But with him breaking the rules is a must.




Lyla was sitting with her hands and feet tied behind her back and to the sofa as she was busy watching the television. A rom com movie was being played but she cared nothing about it. All she could focus on was waiting for the hum of the vibrator and when she could cum again.  It didn’t seem fair that whenever she was on the brink of her pleasure he knew it and then stopped her from cumming. She feared what would had happen if she came as she had not been instructed about it but she didn’t even get a chance. Somehow not even being in the room he knew how to control her body better than her. After all she had been his slut and girlfriend for more than 4 years now. Seducing him at the restraint when all he wanted was to treat her for her grades hadn’t been enjoyable for him marking it strike 1. That’s where the long night began. As she began to doze off the vibrator started its work as she stretched her back. Her eyes closed automatically as she tried to free her hands to touch the parts that screamed for release. The air conditioner didn’t help a bit as her nipples harden further, Her feet rolled onto the carpet and banged against the table and as she could feel her pussy dripping again the vibrations shut off as she groaned loudly and her body stilled with no release. “WHY” she groaned.