[MF] Basically got head for giving her a ride home

So I had previously posted about the time I got walked in on with this girl, please read if you haven’t: (I will be referring to her as C to make writing easier. Also a bit long in the beginning, just warning.)


This is a post about the first time C gave me head. I had mentioned in my first post that we went to high school together. We first met in junior year of high school when we had a class together. I remember on the first day of any new year I’d immediately check out the hot girls in my classes. C had moved to town the year before but this was my first time meeting her. The first thing I noticed about her was her resting bitch face haha, she was pretty hot though. C wasn’t really a bitch (atleast not most of the time), she was Latina, darker skinned and thick. C wasn’t overweight or anything, she was just a bigger girl but still fit, she played on a couple sports teams.

[MF] [Anal] Girl takes it in the ass no lube, one of the craziest things I’ve ever seen

So like the title says, I had a girl I was seeing who took it in the ass, no lube. Probably one of the craziest things I’ve ever seen.

It was a girl I went to high school with, she was one of the weird Drama club/hacky sack kids. I wasn’t necessarily popular but most people knew who I was and didn’t mess with me. She was a white girl with brunette hair, she was in pretty good shape. She did yoga, she didn’t have big boobs but she had a pretty big butt for a white girl. We had taken PE freshman year together and I use to always stare at her ass during stretches cause she was one of the people picked to lead in the front and she had a nice ass haha. Also we made out a couple times during senior year but didn’t really go anywhere.

Anyway we stayed in contact after high school and during college we started sending nudes, one time I came back to town. Her dad was out of town on business and her parents were divorced, so I stayed the night.

[MF] The first time I got head from Rosary Girl with her mom upstairs [Cheating]

So I just posted about when I got head from a girl after her uncle’s rosary, please read if you haven’t:


But that wasn’t the first time she actually gave me head. Like I had said in my previous post, before her uncle’s rosary I hadn’t seen her in a year or 2 (The rosary was during my sophomore or junior year of college). And the last time I had seen her before the rosary was the first time she gave me head.

Like I said we dated for a bit during high school but nothing really happened other than making out, me fingering her a bit and sucking on her tits. She hadn’t even actually seen my dick, just felt it through my pants.

So at the time I was a freshman in college and she was living with her mom, working. We were both in relationships at the time. It was on a weekend and a bunch of my family was having a picnic at a lake for one of my little cousin’s birthday, the park with the lake was not too far from where I went to college, Rosary girl lived on the way to the park.

[MF] Head from a girl after her uncle’s rosary, terrible story :)

Quickly since I don’t know how much you know about Catholicism, but when you’re Catholic a rosary is held the night before you’re actual funeral at the church. It’s like a viewing, saying a few prayers and people go up and tell stories they had with the deceased.

Anyway, there’s this girl I’ve known basically since birth, her family knows my family and our parents grew up together. Me and her had a crush as kids and even dated in high school but she was too crazy for me. But we’d still mess around occasionally.

It was during college, I hadn’t seen her in a year or 2 and her uncle passed away, so my family went to the rosary. We were talking a bit and she asked if we could hang out after the rosary and it wasn’t that late so I said yeah. She catches a ride in my car and we go get some Mexican food and then we go to my Grandma’s house (I lived with my Grandparents during college).

[MF] Funny story time, getting caught

Maybe you could use a good laugh with everything going on.

Here we go haha, at the time I had just graduated high school, we went to school together. We were messing around during the summer before we went to college. I would go see her during the week days while she was babysitting her sister and sometimes other kids from the neighborhood.

Her mom worked during the day but her dad worked the night shift and would come home in the afternoon. Her dad would sometimes come home early from work, which is why I would always go see her early in the morning. We’d make out while the kids were playing at the park and then when she’d put the kids down for a nap, we’d go to her room and really mess around.

[MF] MILF Co-worker

I’ll start by giving some physical description. I’m pretty fit for my size, 5’7, 150-160 lbs of muscle give or take. She was about my height or even a bit taller, thick, she’s a BBW type of woman. Like you would think a Hawaiian/Polynesian women would look but still fit/active for being thick, huge ol’ ass. So this was a woman I had worked with but wasn’t working with anymore. She was around 15 years older. I was 20 or 21, she’s was 35 or 36 at the time, she had a kid and was getting separate from her husband.

We always flirted when we worked together, nothing was happening tho so I just kinda stopped. I hadn’t heard from her in a while but then one day she text me randomly asking what time I was coming over, I was like what??

Her son was staying with some family and her ex was gonna be working that night. She had moved out and had her own apartment but her husband used to still come by. So I came over that night, I parked down the street and we had to keep the lights off cause even though she had her own place her ex would still come by unannounced.