Funny Massage Experience in Thailand [MF]

So about 2 years ago I was traveling in Japan and Thailand with my wife for our honeymoon. In Japan we were enjoying all the good food and in Thailand we were enjoying all the massages and buying things to bring back. One day we went for another massage at this spa in town. This was not a questionable place, this was legit a 5 star spa. It was a huge place with multiple rooms and it looked like something out of a movie. They asked us if we wanted to do the massage together or separate, but they said we’d have to wait for a couples room if we wanted that. We didn’t really care, so in the interest of time, we split up.

[MF] Swapping Couples with Young Thick Blonde White Girl

Haven’t posted in a while, but this is recent. Before getting married, my wife and I had sex in the same room with another couple, but that was just watching each other and feeling up the others partner. After getting married, we were looking to do more with another couple. We used an app and found another couple near us, they were younger and not married. The girl of the other couple was about 3 years younger than me, in her early 20’s. She was white, thick but not fat, and dirty blonde. We were about the same height, she had smaller boobs but a huge ass. We chatted for a few days, met up for an early dinner one night and hit it off. So later that night we invited them over to our apartment. After a bit of small talk, the girls changed place. Each guy lowered his pants, I could tell she liked that I was bigger than her bf. The girls started jerking their new partner off and before you knew it she was sucking my dick, I remember asking if she could deep throat and without saying anything she shoved my dick down her throat for a minute, popped back up to catch her breath and asked if that answered my question. She kept going like that and I asked if it was okay to nutt in her mouth, she nodded yes and I did.

[MF] Ginger head

For those of you that follow me, sorry I haven’t posted in a while. If you don’t follow me, please check out my other posts and let me know which posts you want to see pics for :). Anyway, this post is about the time I got head from a ginger girl. I’m talking redhead, freckles, pale skin ginger.

So this was a girl I went to high school with, but we didn’t mess around till college. She was 2 grades lower than me, kind of awkward looking but cute to me. She didn’t really have any boobs, but a tiny butt. She was an A cup almost flat chested but she was very petite and skinny.

Anyway, we had stayed in contact after high school through social media. At this point we were both in college, I was going to my college about an hour drive from the town where we went to high school. She was still in that town, going to the local junior college. I hit her up online and we started texting, we both admitted we thought the other was cute and sent some PG-13 pics. We decided to meet up the next time I came out to visit my parents.

[MF] [Public] Head in a mall parking lot on Black Friday after she got off work

I went to middle school with her and during part of high school we rode the bus together (we went to different high schools). I was 2 grades ahead of her. She was always a bit awkward and weird at times but cute. During high school, she actually cut her hair almost baled, total Ripley from Alien 3 haha, but still looked cute.

We remained friends online and when I was in college we finally admitted we had a crush on each other. I was going to college about an hour away and she was still living in the town we grew up in. She had changed over the last couple years, she wasn’t as weird but still a bit awkward. After she graduated, she wasn’t doing much other than living with her parents, smoking weed and working a couple retail jobs.

I was coming back to town for Thanksgiving with my family and we talked about meeting up. It was kind of difficult because even though she was over 18, her parents were kinda strict and didn’t trust her. She always tended to get into some type of trouble haha. Anyway, she said we could hang out on Black Friday after she got off work. I went to the mall at around 9pm or so, she worked at a shoe store in the mall.

[MF] Almost had sex with one of the craziest girls I’ve ever met

Like the title said, I almost had sex with her, so sadly this story has no great resolve or happy ending. Although I will admit I got some pretty good pics and a couple videos from her. Sorry this isn’t a sex story, but this story is just too crazy not to tell. I’ve had my share of crazy ex’s and girls I was seeing, but this girl somehow managed to really stick out as the craziest. (I will be referring to her as Crazy to make this easier to write.)

So she wasn’t crazy from the beginning, but it steadily seemed to get worse. We originally met in high school, I was a senior and Crazy was a freshman. Crazy’s older sister was friends with a girl I was trying to hook up with and Crazy’s older sister didn’t really like me because of that haha. Crazy and I only really met because of her older sister’s friend that I was trying to get at. The first couple times I met Crazy, she was always hanging out with her other freshman friend and I started calling them “The Twins”. Not because they actually looked alike, but they were both blonde preppy looking white girls (Weren’t many blonde white girls at my high school). I’m not usually into white girls, I look pretty white myself and tend to prefer girls that look exotic compared to me haha. But she was cute, kind of what I thought a country white girl would look like, blonde, thin and short but thick in the right places; she had nice perky boobs and a small but tight/round butt.

[MF] When I finally hooked up with Black Snooki haha

I’ll start by saying this story is a bit long in the beginning, but I want to explain the build up. This post is about a girl I jokingly used to say looked like a black Snooki. She was about 4’10 or 4’11, she was African American mixed with Japanese and a couple other things. She wore glasses and even though she was short and a bit chubby, she had huge boobs. Friends of ours would even call her boobs as a nickname Lmao. No matter what she wore, they were always kinda falling out.

We had known each other since 6th grade, one of the first times I remember talking to her was during an after school detention. Even in 6th grade, her boobs were already coming in big. We remained friends throughout middle school and high school. I always had a little crush on her, not like I really wanted to be with her, I just wanted to hook up haha. But we were both always dating other people and it never really worked out. We flirted constantly during high school, I was always grabbing her butt freshman year. Once during that year I even licked chocolate off her finger from a cookie and it looked like she almost orgasmed Lmao.

[MF] Scored a phone # and some mild pics at work

I’ll start by saying this isn’t like my other posts. Majority of the posts that I’ve been putting up are from my college years, that’s because a huge chunk of my wilder sexual experiences happened during that time. I graduated from college a few years ago now, but I wanted to post about something that happened to me last week. It’s not really a gone wild story, more of a gone mild story, but still cool.

A little bit of context about what I look like since I haven’t said much about what I look like in my other posts. I’m almost full Hispanic, but I’m extremely white looking. Most people tend to think I’m either Italian or Portuguese. And I’ve been told many times that I look like John Travolta in his early career, like Grease or Saturday Night Fever. I also have colored eyes, which people always compliment me on. I keep my hair pretty short these days, because of that and the way I’m built, people always think I was or am military.

[MF] [Cheating] Best head I’ve ever gotten, from a “lesbian”

A follower was just asking me about the best head I ever got, here we go haha.

We knew each other since middle school. When we were growing up, she was kind of an ugly duckling, not to be mean. She was nice, but was overweight when we were kids. During high school, she really slimmed down and became really hot but still had a lot of self esteem issues. She was Asian and had a couple piercings (after high school she also got these bows tattooed to the backs of her legs). I was always nice to her and we were friend, during high school she flirted with me a few times. One day she was really horny, not letting go of me when hugging and even grabbed my dick over my jeans. I grabbed her tits under her shirt and we made out but it didn’t go any further, so I thought that was the most we’d ever do.

During college, I came home for winter break and was staying a few days with my parents. I grew up in one of those towns where if you didn’t leave after high school, you’ll probably be there for the rest of your life. Anyway, we had recently started talking again/catching up and one night I had a her over my parent’s to watch a movie (which she brought and we never put on haha).

[MF] Blowjob on college campus so good I literally almost fell over haha, right before a test

So I just wrote about this same girl and the time we had sex on campus, read here if you want: [](

This was another day, I had a midterm in a couple hours but it was an easy class. Basically the study guide was the test, and I had already studied. So we decided to meet up and hang out before I had my test. We were walking around this old building on campus and I was grabbing her butt and boobs, looking for a place to mess around. Again she had one of the best bodies of any girl I’ve been with. She was skinny but still had big tits and a nice ass, not huge but tight. And she rarely worked out, which I was amazed that she stayed in such great shape.

We were look at empty classes but she was afraid someone would catch us. Finally after wondering around for 20 minutes or so, we found a spot. The building was only 3 stories but when we went into one of the staircases, it went up one more floor to the roof. Right next to the door to the roof was a kind of loft at the top of the staircase. The loft was big enough to fit a small table and had a wall in front of that, that covered the area a bit more than waist high. So if someone started coming up the stairs, you could only see the head of a person standing on the loft really.

[MF] [Public] Sex on college campus

This is kind of a quick story. This was with a girl I went to college with, we dated for a few months. She had one of the best bodies of any girl I’ve been with. She was skinny but still had big tits and a nice ass, not huge but tight. And she rarely worked out, which I was amazed that she stayed in such great shape. We had been seeing each other for a bit by this point. And we had talked about having sex on campus, but didn’t know where because the campus is pretty crowded most of the time.

One day she told me she thought she had found a place. It was during finals week of that quarter, so most of the classes were empty and most people were at the library. At my school there were 2 conjoined science buildings. In one of the science buildings on the 4th floor, there was this room where the did psych studies. The room had a double door that opened from the main hallway for all the classes, but there was a little hallway the looped around the back of the room. And there were a couple professor offices along this little hallway.