Hi my name is Andy (names changed to protect id) I’m a mixed race woman, aged 24. I work the front desk at a Marriott hotel in Scottsdale AZ. I have curly dark hair, regular shape, I was a track athlete so I’m in good shape. I look black but I act more white than anything. If you can find me in Scottsdale you’ll know who I am :)
Anyway working at the front desk as a young attractive woman creates countless opportunities for me to meet all kinds of people, couples and many, many men. I’m pretty shy but because of my looks I get hit on all the time. Usually it’s white men saying they are so hot for black women. I hear that literally once a week.
Anyway, I’m not very sexually experienced so my interactions have always been pretty reserved although most guys always want me to come to their room. I really can’t do that with anyone anyway and I have to connect with someone to even consider it. My own work rules prevent that from happening, but off-site is another story.