(Noncon) Setting myself for adoption because I’m broke [Pet Shop: Part 1]

What does it take for someone to decide, on a whim, to sell their freedom to someone they just met? I know how insane that sounds, but you probably have figured out the answer already: money.

It was a Sunday, on December 1st; I was sitting on my couch, phone in hand, thumb hovering above the “install” button. The app was called “Pet Shop”, but I knew it was more than an app. It was a community, a system. It was the saving grace for a good portion of the population of Aphrocity, and it was going to be mine too. I knew what I was about to do would change my life drastically, but change is something I’ve been begging for.

This is what would bring me here, a few meters away from this beautiful pale girl, a subtle redhead with shades of blonde. Grey eyes standing above a grin, and a small body wrapped into a white crop top and a yellow jacket. I’m telling myself that she seemed nice, that I didn’t do a mistake by accepting the terms and services and setting up a “pet” profile.