[MF] When the flirty Christian girl takes you on a pilgrimage around the block and later you recite the old testament and new testament at two different churches

During my time, to put it bluntly, as a hoe I wanted to at least try and date. I was naive and took my dating profile to what I thought was “safe territory” : long term dating, ratcheted up the age range, and took off any short term dating. I watched my matches dwindle but one caught my eye. She was a couple years older, loved Jesus, loved him some more, and talked about how she was finding her mister right. Nothing overtly sexual in her profile and she loved going to the gym and bake sales. I messaged instantly and after a bit of back and forth SFW texting we swapped even more SFW pics and then she asked if I wanted to come to a house party her friends were having. Of course I’m game and she says there’s drinking and if I get too tipsy I can sleep it off on her couch.

[MF] You never think a former pageant queen would be into being degraded, but there we were and here we are

The texting and the date were innocent enough. Asian cuisine and really SFW conversation. It was so vanilla Ben and Jerry’s would call it “Two Twin Beds and Nightgowns at Night”. Thus dinner concludes and a gentleman walks the lady out to her car. But obviously by the gilded dragon…..dog…….thing that I really wasn’t paying attention to we decided to kiss. And we held it. And then some more. Then her tongue starts going in my mouth like she’s a dental hygienist and my teeth need to be cleaned.

Of course that’s weird so I grab her and make her tongue behave, which makes her body melt and she shifts sideways. I hold her harder and that is just exactly what she wants. We mutually pull away to catch our breath and she’s drunk off of hormones. She still has that wonderful pageant smile paired with stark blue eyes. Of course after a life of watching what she eats has left her a big chubby, it mostly filled in her hips and butt. I wondered what it would feel like in my hands. So I pull her closer by her hips and touch the booty. This is exactly in gameplan and I’m falling for it.

[MF] I filled her kitty and then played with her kitty

During the process of my divorce we decided to divest our shared assets and walk away from each other. It was down to the vehicle, which I didn’t want and had to get a new one. I went back home for a break and to complete this transaction and in the midst of it reached out on dating apps for fun in the meantime. She had made a post wanting a muscle dude with a nice beard. So of course I shoot and say I may not have a beard but I have a uniform. And of course that somehow worked. And once we swapped SFW pics and chitchatted we had a time and date setup that was convenient for both of us. She was average height and chubby with a nice perky chest, red hair, and blue eyes. Best of all she was on the pill, preferred creampies, and was into being manhandled.

[MF] The first time I started being the man married women use to cheat

Making a long story short after my wife left because she cheated on me I rethought my entire viewpoint on life and descended into a life of debauchery, hedonism, and a life without any concern or regrets. The fact that I stumbled out of that into a better life without a child, STDs, or being stabbed/killed by anyone in and around my circle is a testament to pure dumb luck and a silver tongue. This proceeding story is kind of vanilla but I’m just posting it to break the rust off of my storytelling skills.

Sitting at my apartment slightly tipsy and nursing sore muscles from a new workout plan I start going on dating sites, and all of them by this point. I get a message on one simply titled “Tonight”. Nope, I’m not that lucky, but fuck it I don’t have anything else planned. We text back and forth and decide to move it to kik to swap pictures. We do and she’s totally into me and she isn’t too bad. She’s a BBW, brunette and really carries it all in her bra. She’s out with her friends and her husband hasn’t touched her in months and from her point of view he’s a dick. I take one second to ponder the thought of fucking married woman and decide to jump all in. I just text her “when you’re done with them just come over and I’ll make you feel like a woman” with a winky face emoji because everyone loves that.