No One Else Part III (mm)

Part I Part II

And just like that, everything which happened after was a blur. His memory could hardly put two pieces of the passion and primal need together, let alone the entire puzzle. All he knew was when he rolled over, there lay the only person he wanted. The only person he would ever want.

Lying there looking at the most beautiful man in the world, Sowen found himself absent-mindedly stroking Kyne's cheek, smiling all the while. When he realized he was doing it, he scooted closer, lowering that arm to wrap it around Kyne's waist. Bare skin on bare skin only made him want Kyne nearer, right up against him. Delicately, he pressed his lips to the other man's forehead. Pulling away enough to get a good look at that perfect man, Sowen smiled again. "I really do love you, you know," he said, sure the words were not necessary.

Kyne snuggled closer. Placing his head on Sowen's chest he replied, "I know," earning himself another light kiss on the cheek.

Categorized as Erotica

No One Else Part II (mm)

Part I Part III

Having Kyne's lips pressed to his own was not new. What was new was Kyne initiating it. As close as the two men were, Kyne had always made it abundantly clear they were no more than friends. Really good friends, but friends nonetheless. More times than he could count, Sowen had made his feelings and intentions known to his friend. It simply was not possible to spend an extended amount of time with Kyne and not fall in love with him. Anyone who could manage it was a far stronger person than Sowen, but he regretted none of it. He had loved the man almost from the beginning. And as long as he could remember, Kyne had spent just as much time rejecting him.

His curiosity got the better of him. Reluctantly he pushed Kyne away, sitting up straighter and damning himself as he did so. Again he asked, "What are you doing?"

In response Sowen received short chuckle. "I believe I'm attempting to shove my tongue down your throat."

Categorized as Erotica

No One Else (mm)

Buzz. Buzz. Buzz.

A light flashed from the phone sitting on the kitchen counter as it alerted its owner of an incoming text message. Puffing out one last cloud of smoke, Sowen squashed out the remainder of his cigarette on the balcony railing before flicking it into the street below. Bits of ash stuck around, greying up the railing. Not that it could be greyed up too much more than it already was. Years of extreme sun-exposure had dyed the once black iron. Maybe one day he would tire of seeing the dim color and have it replaced with concrete.

Any shade of orange or red which had painted the sky just a moment earlier had been blotted out as the velvet night returned. Even in the city it was impossible to run from the unnerving darkness of the western desert. The blistering sun would always give way to the luminescent moon, the shimmering stars who threatened to blink out of existence at the slightest breath. Night would always come. Something so inevitable offered only two possibilities: hide from the night, or embrace it.