Since my last story seemed popular, I thought I’d share another story from around that time. This story occurred about 2 months prior to my previous story. It was the night before I moved across the country for grad school, and the conclusion of an interesting summer involving two girls. I’ll give a little background information on each, and then get right to the story of the final night. This is definitely one of my sluttier confessions. It’s going to be a long story.
Early in the summer, I connected with a girl on Twitter, who we will call Jessica. A couple of likes and retweets laters, she sent me a DM, and after a day or two, we had exchanged numbers. Jessica was short, had blonde hair, and had a nice, soft body with big breasts. We hung out a couple of times at some of the popular spots in our areas with our groups of friends. Not long after that, we began hooking up. What started as a movie night at her place that turned into a blowjob became a regular thing about 2-3 times per week. Because I lived with family, I would go to her place after work, we would fuck as soon as the door closed behind me, hang out and watch a movie, then fuck again before I left for the night. It was a great arrangement. What made it even better was that we got along with each other’s friends, so we didn’t have to sneak around in silence.