So I was 15 at the time, a couple weeks prior to being referred to physio I was at a BMX racing track near a local travelling site. As I was racing round there was a huge jump on the last stretch, but as I’ve hit it, a boy I was racing has clipped my back wheel sending me into a spin in mid air. Didn’t go well, really fucked up my knee from that.
But anyway, I remember being referred to a physio therapist and she was lovely at first, I’d say early 30s, dirty blonde, hourglass figure and a pretty face. At first all was going great and she was very professional, asking me to show her where it hurts, I had to walk around while she basically observed me.
So while I’m walking around we are having basic conversation and she tells me shes got a husband and kids etc, I will admit I made a cheeky comment about her husband being lucky and smiled, but I actually meant nothing by it.