Royally Entertained, Part 6 [FM]

Nigel said, “Come with me Kate.” “Where are we going?” I asked.

“Somewhere you can be a little louder.”

Nigel grabbed my hand and lead me towards my master bath. I am not sure where we are going as we passed the bathroom and walked into my closet. I was confused at first. The first few feet of my closet were floor to ceiling mirrors. Then the rows of clothes and accessories begin. Nigel leads me in and closes the door, which was also fully mirrored. He twirled me around to face the door, then pauses to admire the view for a moment. His cock was still hard. As I spun to kiss him again, I started to stroke it again. He laid down on his back surrounded on three sides by mirrors, his head, and feet towards the walls and to his right side towards the mirrored door. He spit on his hand and lubed his head up. “Nigel, you do not have a condom on,” I said just realizing the obvious.

Royally Entertained [FM]

Part 5,

Kate opened her eyes. There was a small lamp on in the corner of the room and she was able to see Nigel sitting on the bed next to her. Kate nearly shouted, “What are you …” Nigel, put his finger to his mouth shushing her, “Your children are cross the hall sleeping.” She tried again in a much softer tone, “What are you doing here?” “Well, I had three new guards to train, it was time to bring some new blood in. I just finished making my rounds and before I went to see Polly, and before you joined us, I thought we should get to know each other first and set some ground rules.” Kate was still not fully awake and was struggling to take it all in. Nigel was sitting by her on the bed and in a dark suit, white shirt, and black tie. He was still running her fingers over her body, and Kate had done nothing to stop him or cover her body despite the shock that he was here. And now he was talking about rules.

Royally Entertained, Part 4 [FF, long]

I think I enjoy writing this more than you do like reading it, but that’s ok. I want to see where this story goes and what happens to out purely fictional girl Kate ….


Kate was roused from her nap by soft fingers running slowly up and down her naked body.  It was a testament to how much she has changed over the last 24 hours that she did not even open her eye to see who was touching even thoughts he assumed it was Polly.  Instead, she stretched her tight muscles as the hands continued to run over her body. As the fingers ran down her legs she spread her thighs invitingly, another small action that would never have happened, ever. If her family could only see her now. Kate considered if she would wear a butt plug for her lover and though the answer may be yes.


The fingers bypassed Kate’s lips, ran over her smooth pubic mound, circled her bellybutton, continued up Kate’s sternum, around her areola, giving her goosebumps, up her neck and stopped at Kate’s cheek. Kate opened her eyes to see Polly kneeling beside her.  Polly turned Kate’s face and kissed her, just brushing Kate’s lips at first, delicately just long enough to pique her interest.  Then she leaned back looked a Kate’s face, eyes closed longing for Polly’s mouth.  Polly kissed her again and this time let their tounges explore, lingering for long moments, breathing the same breath, leaving Kate wanting more than Polly could give her at that moment.

Royally Entertained, Part 3. [FF, long]

Please read Parts 1 & 2.

Then Polly kissed her, slowly at first, easing Kate into her first lesbian experience.


Kate jumped up.  The thought of the shower reminded her that they only had 15 minutes before her next call. She looked around frantically for a clock, standing nude and completely disheveled.  Polly smiled and told her to relax.  She had sent the kids on a field trip, had canceled all obligations for the next two hours, locked the door, but not before she had a tray brought up with all the accouterments to make a gin and tonic, Kate’s favorite drink. Polly assured her that they were alone for the next two hours.


Kate started to relax.  What really relaxed her was Polly dropping to her knees, lifting Kates leg up so her foot rested on the settee and plunging her tongue deep into Kates folds.  As Polly lapped up Kate’s juices Kate moaned and bit her lower lip to stop a scream. Kate stared into her eyes and grabbed handfuls of Polly’s hair. With that Polly grabbed both of Kate’s firm ass cheeks pressing Kate closer to Polly’s mouth.  


Royally Entertained, Part 2 [FF, long]

Kate walked back to her room, still in shock from what she had experienced.  It did not help that she could hear Polly’s moans halfway through the first floor as Nigel continued to pound her.  Kate made it to her room, opened the door, and saw William still sleeping.

Kate closed the door a little harder than normal.  William stirred and looked up through sleepy eyes, not truly seeing her in her lingerie.  Before he said anything Kate said, “Go back to sleep dear, I am just going to the bathroom”. William laid back down none-the-wiser.  Until then she had planned on waking up William and fucking him silly.  But, at that moment his inability to see her when she so wanted to be seen, and appreciated, and touched, she changed her mind.

She walked into the bathroom, turned on the light, and closed the door.  She saw herself in the mirror in her pink teddy and took it off immediately.  Then she saw herself naked before the mirror.  Her nipples were red from all the attention they received and she smelled like sex.  Regardless she thought she looked beautiful, but she was angry her husband didn’t see what her secretary saw.  She strode to the shower with the intent of masturbating again.  She would be fantasizing about Polly, and their homework and about what would happen tomorrow night.  But she stopped herself.  She decided to wait and let life happen to her.  She wanted real experiences.

Royally Entertained, Part 1 [F][FM] voyeur, straight NSFW

First time writing. If there is interest I will try Part 2 and 3.

Two AM. I am awake at two AM, again, Kate thought to herself. That is the second, no third, time this week, and fifth or sixth time this month. Kate looked over and saw William sleeping soundly as usual.

In the past, Kate had laid in her bed for hours on end until the house final stired and she gets up. Kate tried to figure out the root cause of her insomnia. Maybe it was the stress of COVID, and concerns for her children. But they were safer than most people. Maybe it was the fear that William was leaving for a week starting tomorrow, but his duties frequently take him away. She thought that it might be a lack of intimacy. They did have sex, well once a week, but it was perfunctory and had become routine. Kate brushed the thought aside. What could it be? William rolled over, oblivious to her. She was a little resentful of William. He never seemed to have problems sleeping through the night and he wore his responsibilities so lightly. But he had been in this world his entire life, it was all he knew.