Fun With The Amusement Park Girl Part 2 [MF]

Part 1 of my story with Nikki is in my profile. DM’s are appreciated!

Nikki and I wouldn’t be able to get together until about a week later. Our work schedules were crazy at the time, but we talked most nights on the phone and texted during the day. When we were able to get together Nikki wanted to come back over to my place.

The day came and I told her I’d be free around 8pm. I left work, ate dinner, and took a shower. I was still behind so when I was out with my dog, Nikki pulled in to the parking lot and we finished my dogs walk.

Nikki looked fantastic. For a bit more details of her, she’s loud, has no filter, blonde wavy hair, and is somewhat dominant in her personality. She’s also very competitive when it comes to…well…everything haha.

We go up into my place and I grab a drink of water and offer her one. We are hanging out in my kitchen talking and suddenly Nikki just puts her hand on my groin and says “Shut up and kiss me already dammit!” I laugh and grab a handful of her hair which illicit’s a moan from her.

The Girl From the Amusement Park Part 1 [FM]

**** for the naughty parts. Bonus points if you read the whole thing***

I met Nikki on a dating app a few months ago. She works for a theme park here in Ohio that I have a pass to and the first time we ever saw each other was at the park. We had been talking and had plans to meet one night.

I was at the park with some friends that same day and she drove past on her cart.I get a text shortly after: “Was that you?””Yes, we’re going to ride “X” coaster. Still free tonight?”Her: “Oh absolutely. Drink plenty of water, I’ve already dealt with 8 people passing out in lines because of the heat.””Well I’m lucky because I know a hot medic who can take care of me.”Her: “Public or Private?”So my friend and I rode all the coasters and the entire time I kept thinking back to that message from Nikki.