Punching, Drunk, Lust [MF, Long]


The edges of my vision blurred and turned white. The hand was small – when I saw it wrapped around my cock less than an hour later, the word "dainty" would pop into my head, despite the bruised and bloody knuckles – but it almost floored me as it smashed into my right temple. The crowd, gathered around us in a circle, cheered and hollered. I stumbled back towards my "corner", reeling from the combination of the impact, rum, whiskey, and the aftereffects of the last nitrous hit. Dan caught my shoulder and ineffectually poured water onto my face, not even trying to aim for my mouth – also swollen and bleeding. Mark threaded an arm under my other shoulder and hoisted me upright, placing a hand on my chest.

"Come on, champ", fully in character, he affected a decent cockney whine. "You're floating like a fucking butterfly out there! Here…" He dabbed at my face with the ripped remains of my t-shirt. "You've gotta get in there and do some damage!"

I chuckled and coughed. "Isn't that a line from Snatch? Are you seriously being Jason Statham right now?" He patted my cheeks and fed me a measure of rum, which stung like a bitch.

Halloween: My First Threesome [m/f/f, m/f] (long)

The story in question took place on Halloween, a few years ago, at a party that I threw with my roommate at the time, Mark. I'm sorry about the rather unreasonable length; I'm not great at editing myself.

It was a great time to be us, frankly. We were both seniors in college, single, in pretty decent shape, and had just leased an awesome two-bed-two-bath town home. My newly minted roommate and I decided to christen the apartment with a series of parties. They were mildly successful, but the first devolved into a police incident when one of our friends, blackout drunk, smashed our neighbor's window with the top of a lamp post. We never figured out where he got it from. The second one was fairly quiet; mostly people arriving, staying for an hour or so, and then heading out just as the next group arrived. So we were determined: this was fucking Halloween, and we were going to tear shit up. Plus, the benefit of being the one throwing the party? It's so much easier to get laid.