I [F] hooked up with my intern [M]

A few months ago, my supervisor told me I’d be mentoring a college intern this summer. I was not excited about this because I do boring stuff in a boring office and I myself only graduated college a year ago. How was I supposed to find “meaningful” things for an intern to do? Oh well.

The interns started and I was introduced to the one I’d be working with all summer – Brandon. Brandon is 22, tall, blond, and had a thin but muscular body. I was immediately attracted to him, but kept my “professional” hat on and tucked that attraction to the back of my mind. A little about me – I’m 25, a petite 5’2”, curvy, with long dirty blonde hair and a few tattoos. Brandon was more of a “golf polo shirts and khaki pants” kind of guy so I didn’t think he’d be into my “edgy hipster” vibe (I know, I’m basic).