Checking in. [MF]

This story starts out a sad one. One of my friends, Nate, lived a little less than a quarter mile from me back in high school. He moved to that house my sophomore year. We were friends before he moved there, but after that we became extremely close. We hung out almost every day playing Madden and drinking Mountain Dew. That friendship has lasted to this day. Nate is now in the Navy, so obviously I see him much less but still talk to him frequently.

But the reason (and I’m not sure this is exactly true but this is what I think) that Nate is even in the Navy is because there was some heart ache I think that he was running away from. In late 2018 Nate’s dad died of a heart attack. Now Nate’s dad kind of dug his own grave, as insensitive as that sounds. He drank a little too much, chewed tobacco, wasn’t super active and didn’t have the most heart healthy family history. But it’s not like that made it any easier for any of us. Grant was a great guy and everybody loved him. Grant and his wife, Kelly, had raised two kids to adulthood and had adopted a third girl who was ten when he passed. The whole situation was terrible, but they seem to be getting through it.

Didn’t see this coming. [MF]

Anna and I have been friends for as long as I can remember. We met in school sometime around fifth or sixth grade and for some reason stayed friends to this day, both of us being 23 now.

But the thing about us is that it had never been romantic, mostly because she dated one of my best friends and my next door neighbor for almost 6 years. Anna was actually probably the best wing man I’ve ever had and has been directly responsible for some of the best sex of my life without being the one who my cock was inside. She always made visiting her at college worth it because, as it usually is, a gorgeous girl like Anna tended to have extremely good looking friends. And when these girls saw the profound affection Anna and I had for each other knowing we weren’t romantically involved, it seemed to immediately make her friends see me as someone who they could trust for casual sexual encounters.

But this story isn’t about those (awesome) encounters.