Girl with a crush on me watches me with another woman [MF]

Back in college, I had started coming into my own. Coming out of an ugly duckling phase in high school, I finally started to find my feet at university with a number of trysts, but none more long standing or wildly complicated as the one I had with Amie. To set the scene a bit, I was paired with Matt as my roommate for our sophomore year as we were both planning to be pre-law. He and I quickly became friends and ended up creating some other stories together that will be reserved for another time. He was heavily involved in the pre-law society at our school, joining the “frat” associated with it and other various community activities. I, on the other hand, realized it wasn’t for me and stuck to my newfound passion of rugby. Unbeknownst to me, this is where the relationship with Amie would begin. As I found out later, Amie seemed to have a weird obsession with me before we even met. Matt would invite her over to our room when I was out, she would sit on my bed, ask about me, talk about how cute I was via facebook photos, before I even met her in our junior year.