I lost [M]y virginity to my cousin(s) [F] Pt. 2

[All characters in this story were at least 18 years of age]

(This story picks up immediately after my previous story which is here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/hzspad/i_lost_my_virginity_to_my_cousins_f/](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/hzspad/i_lost_my_virginity_to_my_cousins_f/) )

“Let’s clean up a bit,” Jamie said, “Then we can walk around outside more.”

She got another dish towel out of the drawer, wet it down and began to wipe up the cum on the floor of the canning house. We straightened things up a bit then headed outside walking past the garden to the fields where my uncle, actually great uncle as he was married to my grandmother’s sister, grew crops and kept a few cattle. Jamie came up with a story that she had to pee really bad and used the bowl in the canning house while we stayed outside and made a mess. She even said she would pull her grandma aside and act embarrassed in case anyone questioned why there was a mess. We walked around for a while and goofed off some before heading back to the house. When we got in the ladies were chattering on in the quilting room and everyone watching the games was sound asleep.

I lost [M]y virginity to my cousin(s) [F]

[All characters in this story were at least 18 years of age]

This happened one Thanksgiving many years ago. My family was visiting my grandparents who live in a rural area for the holiday. This was a special visit and my mother was really excited because her cousin was visiting from out of state with her family, but they were staying with my aunt and uncle who lived a few miles down the road. My mom and her cousin, June, were best friends growing up and we had visited them on a trip a few years ago. I was excited too because June and her husband had a son and two daughters, also around mine and my brother’s age: Brian who was older about the same age as my brother, Jamie, a girl, who was about my age and Chrissy who was not quite a year younger than Jamie. That meant I could have someone my age to hang around with and talk to instead of just my stupid brother who was always trying to get me into trouble. I remembered that I got along with Jamie really well and she was super cute.

Married yoga instructor [MF]

A few years ago, I had a friend named Carol. We had hooked up in the past, but that’s another story (maybe). Anyway, after that happened we stayed friends and we were planning to go out drinking one night when she text messaged me.

[Carol] Hey buttface! Lol

[me] what’s up spaz

[Carol] Hey my friend Patti is having a hard time and wants to come with

(I should note that it’s a pet peeve of mine when people say “come with” and omit the “us”, but I digress, it’s how she talked)

[me] I guess that’s fine the more the merrier

[Carol] hands off tho she’s married and having a hard time

[me] challenge accepted!

[Carol] Fuck you I’m serious!

[me] kidding we still meeting at 8, Gino’s right

[Carol] Be there or be square ya geek.

So at this point, I honestly was not planning on making a move on this girl. Plus, I figured she’d be a typical midwestern soccer mom, i.e. annoying, overweight and can’t hold her drinks.

I had sex with my high school math teacher [MF] Pt.2

“Did you jerk off thinking about me?” She turned on her side and looked over at me.

“Yeah, I have to admit I did.”

“Let’s finish these drinks. You’re staying around a while right? I think we have some unfinished business.” She smiled, laying on her back sipping her lemonade and rum.

I sat back my cock all spongy and satisfied and took a few more drinks.

“So,” she looked over at me, “did you ever jerk off thinking about me before yesterday?”

“Yeah, I’ve thought about it a few times. You seemed like you were kind of flirty with me so it turned me on, but I really wasn’t sure what to make of it.” I finished my drink and looked over at her.

“I’ve been wanting to try to seduce you for a while now, you football stud. I knew who you were before you were in my class, you’re the hottest guy at the school. Or were now I guess. I’m just glad you’ve graduated and are 18 now!” She rolled back on her side and smiled at me.

I had sex with my high school math teacher [MF] Pt.1

This is a story I’ve never told anyone, and happened many years ago. My senior year in high school I needed one more math credit to graduate with the college preparatory diploma. I could have just graduated with a regular diploma, but I had been working toward the college prep diploma and my parents pushed me to try it. So I transferred into a trigonometry class before the last semester to try to get the credit for the diploma. The teacher was a female teacher in her I would guess late ‘20’s, early ‘30’s at the time. She was fairly petite with green eyes, dishwater blonde hair and a pretty good tan. During the year, she would mildly flirt with me when helping me. I had a feeling she must have liked me and even masturbated thinking about her a time or two, but never really thought much about it. Right before graduation, she asked me if I mowed lawns, and while I hadn’t in a while, I had a part time job that I worked, I said I did and she asked for my number in case she needed “my services” as she put it. Literally the day after graduation she called my house. (This was in the days before cell phones) She said she needed her grass cut and asked if I could bring a mower and meet her at her house after school got out the next day. (The seniors had graduated but the underclasses still had like a week or so of school left.) She gave me the address and we agreed on ten dollars to mow her lawn.