Breastfeeding that never stopped [FF] [Incest] [NC] [Nipple] [Lesbian]

I’m 30/F and my mother breastfed me for an abnormally long time.

She was a single mother for the majority of my life until I left for college. She was caring and supportive in every way as a parent. She encouraged my interests with enthusiasm and showed up to any recitals, video camera in hand. We didn’t always live in the best places, but we made due. I was raised to be diligent and hard-working because of the example she set, and everyone who knew her adored her.

But there was…just that thing we did. It literally started when I was a baby so it was completely normal for us. I think some part of me knew it was taboo because I never really told any of my friends. It’s not like my mom was lactating for my entire life.

Sometimes, to me, it felt like a ritual. Almost every night, after I was done with my evening bath or shower I’d go to my room to put on some panties and a robe or a long t-shirt. I walked through the cold hallway on our hardwood floor to her room. Usually by the time I got there I was ready for her warmth. She was almost always sitting in bed with just her nightstand lamp on, reading whatever romance novel she was on. If I visited her, it was never forced or compulsory, and we never really talked about it…but her door was always cracked.

I fucked my boyfriends dad the night I turned 18. [MF][Creampie][Risky][Slight DubCon]

My boyfriend and I had been dating for about 3 years at the time, and I had been attracted to his Hot Single Dad but never really thought anything of it.

As my 18th birthday approached, my boyfriend (Gabe) who was a year older than me was planning me a big day out at the beach so we planned for me to stay over with him the night before. I packed my cutest two piece and all my favorite beach tings and headed over to his house at around 6 pm.

His dad, lets call him John, had been single for a long while. My boyfriends mom did the ole “going to go buy cigarettes” and never came back deal so his dad just dedicated his time to his son and his work. Respectable, and quite lonely.

When we got to the house I hurried to Gabe’s room to put my stuff in there, and also to show him my suit since it was a cute gift for myself. It had a lot of straps and it was not hard to see my nipples through at all. I also have a pear shaped body so the fabric of the straps definitely stretched to accommodate my…assets.