Fucking a Nurse with a broken leg on a couch in San Francisco, 2015 [MF]

Some years back I was visiting a friend in San Francisco. It was the end of the summer between my first and second year of grad school. I’d had a kind of dull summer and needed some fun.

I hadn’t seen Ben in several years, since we’d both lived in New York. I assumed he had probably changed somewhat in that time. We had done the most obnoxious, irresponsible things back in the day (college, mostly) and although I hadn’t necessarily changed much I figured that he, with his apartment near Union Square and a good job in research lab, would have.
Nope. Not in the least.

On the first day I arrived, he had a work event to attend; a sports event that only employees were invited to. So I hung out in his apartment, my stuff dumped on the couch I’d be sleeping on. I left for a little while, then came back, and he still wasn’t home. Hours passed. I got a drunk dial from him at one point. All right, so he was shit-faced. A couple more hours passed. Finally Ben got home, wasted, a hammer in his pocket (how he acquired a hammer remains a mystery). He had hurt his leg somehow. He ended up going to the E.R early the next morning because of his leg.

A Snapshot (College Story) [19m, 19f]

Some years before college, before the youth homes, the psych ward, the bad behaviors and addictions, and his eventual bottoming out, Dennis looked in his father’s Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition and gawked. The woman sitting on the beach, smiling at him casually as if asking what he was doing there and liking that was there all at once, had perfect legs. They stretched across the sand into the pictures foreground. Dennis then understood that he had a thing for legs. He tried to find the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition again, several weeks later, and was disappointed to find that his father had apparently taken it with him to prison. So, he sat on the edge of the bed and closed his eyes and remembered the legs…

Seven years later it was October of 2018 and Dennis sat on a porch outside a house party in Carbondale, Illinois. He had turned nineteen a few days before. He sat there with his friend Kurt, whom he’d known since high school. They sipped their beer and watched the partygoers stumbling out of the front door at one in the morning.

“Where did you get this beer, man?” Dennis said.

I [19m] Blackout during Cunnilingus [MF]

This is one of my drunk sex experiences. It happened towards the end of my freshman year of college.
I went to a house party one night, by myself. I didn’t even know many people there. I recall throwing back shots, smoking some weed and talking to several girls. Later, I remember dancing with one of them. She was cute – dirty blonde, sophomore, black checkered skirt. Her friend was also cute and I also chatted with her, danced with her a little. But it’s the dirty blonde I recall making out with on a couch. We were both already COMPLETELY hammered and I felt like I was floating. And then… Blackout.
I don’t remember what happened until I woke up hours later, with a killer headache feeling my cheeks pressed against skin. There was also the strong stench of sweat and bodily fluids. By which I mean, pussy. I opened my eyes and saw in front of me this hair tufted vagina. Less than an inch away. Then I swallowed and realized I could kind of taste pussy on my tongue, too.
The owner of the vagina was none other than the FRIEND of the dirty blonde. She was passed out on a bed (I guess her’s…). She wore a white t-shirt.
I kind of felt like I’d had sex, too. Somewhat sore cock. Can’t describe it any other way.
I crept out of her dorm room sure I’d wake her up and wondering what would happen if she did. But she didn’t. I went back to my dorm, vomited on the way, and slept it off for the rest of the day.
Because I was bummed out that I’d missed out on what must have been a fun time, I managed to fuck this other girl I’d been kinda-sorta seeing anyway the following day. That kinda-sorta compensated for it. I never saw the other girl(s) again.

Fun with a broken-legged nurse on my friend’s couch [MF]

This happened when I was 28. It was the end of the summer and before grad school started up again, I’d gone to visit an old friend in San Francisco. I soon realized he hadn’t matured at all; that first evening there, he ditched me for a work event he had to attend, after which he got blackout drunk and fell and hurt his leg, which sent him to the E.R early the following morning. I gave him a hard time about it and also wondered, *oh god is the entire trip going to be like this?*

The opportunity to kinda-sorta get him back arose a couple nights later when we were drinking at a bar near his apartment and I noticed a short women with curly black hair, a sweet, pale face, a large nose, and a crutch beside her, talking with several other people but stealing glances at me. My friend mentioned her and I went to talk to her. Her name was Rachel. She had a broken leg from a skiing accident (where did she go skiing in the summer I do not know, and did not stop to think about). I would also learn that she was a nurse who made six figures and lived with her sister. The two women she was chatting with were not even people she knew, I came to realize; she was there alone. I told her I had to head back to my friend’s apartment but that MAYBE I’d see her later.