The balance of power: I fucked my landlord [FM]

*This is a long one, folks. But I think it’s necessary to capture the dynamic at play. I’ve included some page breaks if you want to skip to the sexy stuff. It’s hard to describe in words how it feels to exchange power during sex. But I’ve tried. Let me know what you think.*


Apparently some wise person once said that everything in life is really about sex – except sex, which is really about power.

As a bratty switch, I’ve always been fascinated with power dynamics during sex. What precipitates the shift of power from one person to another. What tips me over the edge from stubborn, disobedient brat to panting, wanton slut… and then suddenly to cold, wry dom. Deciphering what we’re really trying to get from sex, beyond the hot wet colliding and crescendos.

All this is to say, when an opportunity like what happened last week presents itself, I’m going to be intrigued.

I moved house a few weeks ago, into an old villa rented with three other incredible women. It’s a good vibe, cosy and wholesome (and the walls are thicker than my last place… ha). Last week there were builders working on the outside of our house.