Robin Part 1 Here:
Over the course of the next few weeks Robin and I talked several times, enjoying the reunion we had while looking forward to the next opportunity to hangout. She worked hard to get through Finals, then started preparing for summer and a return home to the Bay Area. I wrapped up school, moved out of my apartment and was getting ready for a third summer fishing salmon in Alaska. We had just this last week to get together and it was decided Robin would trip north to visit before flying home.
I’d learned that she had two more years of graduate school ahead. She’d not had much of social life, but she was a social girl and the last months been introduced to a friend (Darrell) of Tarrin’s boyfriend, also from the lacrosse team we beat. She said nothing had happened between them, but if I had not entered the picture, she thought she may have slept with the guy by now, not so much because of how great he was, but out of convenience. The relationship cooled when she no-showed a group function that had been scheduled the day/night we first got together. Tarrin understood, but it seems no one else in her small circle showed any. That coupled with Finals slowed their roll.