[MF] “No ….. but I could be! Are you looking for anyone in particular?” … Robin Part 2

Robin Part 1 Here: https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/ohsjvk/no_but_i_could_be_are_you_looking_for_anyone_in/

Over the course of the next few weeks Robin and I talked several times, enjoying the reunion we had while looking forward to the next opportunity to hangout. She worked hard to get through Finals, then started preparing for summer and a return home to the Bay Area. I wrapped up school, moved out of my apartment and was getting ready for a third summer fishing salmon in Alaska. We had just this last week to get together and it was decided Robin would trip north to visit before flying home.

I’d learned that she had two more years of graduate school ahead. She’d not had much of social life, but she was a social girl and the last months been introduced to a friend (Darrell) of Tarrin’s boyfriend, also from the lacrosse team we beat. She said nothing had happened between them, but if I had not entered the picture, she thought she may have slept with the guy by now, not so much because of how great he was, but out of convenience. The relationship cooled when she no-showed a group function that had been scheduled the day/night we first got together. Tarrin understood, but it seems no one else in her small circle showed any. That coupled with Finals slowed their roll.

“No, but I could be! Are you looking for anyone in particular?” [MF]

The game finished and players from both lacrosse teams were drinking beer and socializing when I noticed an attractive, short-hair blonde sitting on a blanket with a friend at the fringe of the sideline. She reminded me instantly of a girl named Robin I’d grown up with in the Bay Area, there was a strong resemblance. She had the natural, tanned, no make-up needed California look about her. After-game festivities on Saturday usually carry on for an hour or more while teammates decide what’s in store for the rest of the night and I figured I had a few minutes to gather myself before going over to talk with her.

Because we were out of state for the weekend’s games, I could not be sure it was actually Robin, or what my plans were for the night. But I knew that I’d like to know her, even if she wasn’t the girl I grew up with. I was hot and sweaty from playing so I replaced my jersey with a clean t-shirt and changed out my socks and cleats with Chucks before I got three fresh beers and sauntered by to introduce, fussing with my hair as I went. The Robin I knew seemed out of place in this Oregon college town, since my frame of reference for her was California.

[MF] I fucked my neighbor last night, and again this morning [M29] [F28] … Part 2

Part 1 here: https://www.reddit.com/r/sexstories/comments/goyhpy/i_m_fucked_my_f_neighbor_last_night_and_again/

Friday was a blur, as I had hard commitments for work, but was distracted by my time with Yumiko while looking forward to what the night would bring. She left this morning just before 8:00 am, breaking a work routine for me that ordinarily started around 7:30.

She’d woken me earlier by spooning and reaching around to make my cock hard. I let her go like this for ten minutes or so before I turned to face her and start making out again, our legs intertwined. Soon I rolled her onto her back, spread her legs and lowered my face to her pussy for oral. She was wet still from last night and I licked and sucked, twisting her pubic hair with my fingers and tasting her again. My hands were on her ass, pulling from below and fingers probing her ass and pussy. It wasn’t long before she was writhing and making noise like she was cumming. She was half-reserved, but I could feel her wanting to let go. I let her settle and then pulled myself up between her legs and started fucking her slowly, the intensity building until she wrapped herself around me as far as she could stretch. I pounded harder for a few minutes before I filled her up a second time.

I [M] fucked my neighbor [F]

I’m writing as if this was yesterday, when it actually happened years ago ……….

So I fucked my neighbor last night and again this morning. She’s sexy, petite and stunningly gorgeous. She’s also married, and I’d guess this is not the last time we get together.

A few days ago I saw my new neighbor Yumiko sitting on a bench near the garden in our apartment complex enjoying a sunny afternoon. She’d moved from Japan into the apartment below mine with her husband, Kenji. He worked a lot, traveled some, and when he was home, spent as much time drinking and arguing with his wife as enjoying her. I know because I could hear them well when I sat quietly on my deck in the early evenings. We chatted for a few minutes before I sat down and I asked how they were becoming accustomed to their new life in the US. Her English was good, and she hid any hint of marital discord from me in the conversation. Wanting to be a good neighbor, I asked if they’d like to go out and get pizza a few days out, thinking their social life might not be what they’d hoped for. Instead of accepting the invitation to go out, she asked if I knew how to make pizza, and yes, they’d like to come over to my apartment on Thursday. We set the time for 7 pm.

[MF] Exotic Bluff

Recapping an evening from the summer that brings a smile to this young man’s face, as I start hammering away on this keyboard.

To frame things, I was home for the summer between junior and senior years at a popular state university, living with my parents, working hard to make as much money as possible to offset the cost of school and negate the need for student loans. My parents were kind enough to provide half of the cost of school, so the other half was on me, as it had been for my older sisters. The job I worked with a residential construction company put me behind the wheel of their flatbed delivery truck, working as many hours as I could get in a week, allowing me the luxury to work less during the school year. I was fortunate in that my efforts paid off, and the foremen and crews treated me well. I’d earned their trust the previous summers working as a laborer, and they helped make the hard work enjoyable. I averaged 50 to 55 hours per week, and the overtime pay padded my wallet nicely.

[MF] Seduced by Another Man’s Wife

I’m a 43 year old technical sales professional, fit and active. I’d been married for just a few years in my 20’s and my wife and I both felt the need to split up, so I’d lived most of my adult life as a bachelor. Along the way, I had several long-term girlfriends as well as a few friends with benefits, but none that held my interest for very long. As I matured, I considered myself to be happily single, with no desire for children. This freedom allowed me to work hard, play hard and explore better job opportunities. When the time was right, I accepted a great offer, prompting a move.

The new job took me to a west coast city, a place where I knew just a few people, but an opportunity too good to pass up. I rented a furnished ranch-style home in a nice suburb close the to company. My challenge was to make this transition quickly, both professionally and socially. In the first couple months, I applied myself to the new position, giving me little time to socialize. I’m comfortable with myself and don’t generally need to be around people, but the sudden lack of friends and companionship was becoming a concern.

[MF] The Price is Right! [older/younger]


She looked different as she walked back from the restroom to the table we were sharing with her softball teammates, husbands, boyfriends and others. I couldn’t tell why, but the lens I viewed her through was now different than previous. She looked mischievous and had a bounce in her step that I had not noticed before. She had asked me to order her one last drink before we headed out, me dropping her at her apartment on my way home. This night was just like the others we’d enjoyed after games during the hot summer, a group of people joined in drinking and eating to celebrate another win (or loss).

The team was a collection of women, some younger (22), some older (32), some single taller, shorter, etc. Only two were married. Their husbands were two of the three coaches, with me being the third. My role was to support the players, encourage, teach, and generally have fun with them. As first base coach, I got to interact with the women constantly. As a team, they were better than average for this league, but not spectacular. They had a chemistry that worked, though, and that was most evident after each game at the bar.