I let him AMA in person [F] (part 3)

Sorry this it taking so long. But I hope you’re enjoying the slow burn regardless. Feel free to let me know.

Alright, so we get back to my place, grab a more appropriate beverage, a couple beers and some wine, and sit back down. He asked if he could revisit some of his previous questions, or if now that we’ve moved on it was too late, I told him it was okay. He said he wanted more clarification on how I taught my sister to shave, and what that actually looked like. I elaborated. I was 19 at the time, freshman year, so last year, i was home on summer break and my sister who was 16 and I were hanging out. She got a bit awkward and the subject of shaving came up. She asked if it was hard, if i had ever cut myself, things like that. Turns out she was terrified of doing it, but wanted to shave. So i ended up doing it with her. She went bottomless in her bedroom, i talked her through the process, and then told her to keep up with it. I didn’t do anything, just hung out and gave her tips and suggestions to help. It was a fun story to share, and then he said he wanted me to prove it. He admitted that he chose that to prove because out of all the stories, that one was the most likely to be made up. So it made sense to challenge me on that one.

I let him AMA in person (part 2) [F]

Please make sure you go back and read part 1 for the background and run up.

Ok, where were we. Right, test is over, spring break has arrived.

He and I made plans as to when, the location being my place. We had to wait a few more days, but it meant I would have the house to myself, so we could be open, and unfiltered, and wouldn’t have to worry about people listening in. Though in hindsight, if we would have talked at a public place where people might be walking by every now and again, that could have made it even more exciting. The day arrived, he had planned on coming over just after breakfast, and the plan was we would just sit and talk with no time frame in mind. The conversation would take us where it would, and if it took all day, that was fine.

I let him AMA in person (part 1) [F]

Hey guys! I’ve got a bit of a long one for you, so bear with me. Hopefully you’ll enjoy the read! Leave me a comment or shoot me a message if you enjoyed it.

I guess the best place to start, is that I have known this friend for several years now. We met in high school, shared a lot of classes, hung out in the same social circle, and went to most school functions together. I should clarify that “together” meant as our group of friends. Home Coming, Prom, were group activities with our friends. There was flirting between us, but there was also flirting between him and other girls, and me and other guys, so we were never an item so to speak, just friends. Graduation from High School was the inevitable split of friends as we scattered around the country, but he and I stayed close-ish since we both went to the same local University.

[FM] Out intense first date

So there are a few things we need to get out of the way before we get into the crux of the story, so bare with me.

First off, Joe and I (names to be substituted for privacy) have been friends for the better part of a decade. We met after we graduated college and started in our first post graduate ‘real’ jobs. And we hit it off great! There was clearly a spark, and an immediate attraction, but something we never acted on. Why? Timing. When we met, we were both in relationships. When he was single, I was in a relationship. When I was single….. you get the point. And even when we were both single, the timing just wasn’t right. Rushing into a new relationship after a break up is never good, especially if you’re contemplating dating a really good friend, like he was. And then after a while, that friend zone is hard to break out of. Sure we talked about it, we flirted with each other even while dating other people. But it was just too much of a good thing to risk hurting, so we never took that risk….. until we did, or I did i guess is more accurate, but we’ll get to that in a bit.

How I [F] got unofficially engaged

First time poster, long time lurker. And upfront, this is likely not the wildest, or sexiest story on here. I actually feel it’s more romantic than wild, but it’s a good memory that I’ve never shared outside of my best friend when we were drunk. Anyway, here goes and enjoy.

My boyfriend and I had been dating for a few weeks before I asked the one question that I really needed a specific answer to; are you a virgin? I loved everything about him, and already, I could see a long term relationship in front of us. But I was a virgin, and I had an expectation that my husband would also be a virgin prior to our marriage, or engagement at least. So I asked the question, and hoped his answer affirmed that he was. Sadly, he said he wasn’t. He explained that he lost it a couple years ago with a girlfriend, and he regretted it. He wanted to wait for the right girl, thought it was her, and she broke his heart a few weeks thereafter. He had been single since.

[Sexual] [F] How I started daily wearing thongs

So this is a bit of a long story, but I figure you depraved souls enjoy the details. I’ll try to keep the story as accurate as I can, but I’ll obviously change some names for privacy sake.

Back when I was 20, I’m 33 now, I was not as sexually open as I am currently. I would wear thongs, but typically as either a last resort, or if I put on lingerie for my boyfriend. I just didn’t like the feeling of them, I didn’t like the fabric, or the proximity of it to my asshole. No matter how long it was on, I was still aware of it. Some girls are able to just get used to it after a while, but that didn’t happen for me. I would be consciously aware of it all day, and it was irritating to me. But my boyfriend had commented a few times about me not wearing them, or made a big deal out of the abnormal day when I did. I was also a bit aware of the fact that my friends wore them much more often. I didn’t mind, but i wished I was able to be more comfortable in them. That’s the back ground.