This is a story from a better time, when Craigslist still had a casual encounters tab, before it was just people trying to scam you. It was 2008 and I was in my first year of college. As I was checking out what Craigslist had to offer in my area that night, I responded to a few different ads. For the most part, no replies…but I got one where we exchanged stats and determined if we wanted to pursue it further.
At the time, I was 5’11” and about 205 pounds, muscular but not jacked. She was Indian (dots, not feathers) working on a PHD, 5’4″ish, and probably around 130? I didn’t have texting at the time, so we moved from email to AIM to continue talking. She was busy that night, but wanted to meet up over the weekend for a drink. I was planning to go out of town for the 3day weekend to visit a friend I hadn’t seen in awhile, so we decided we would wait until after that had happened.